Kara is a 14-year-old female client who is super defiant

Kara is a 14-year-old female client who is super defiant

Kara is a 14-year-old female client who is super defiant

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Week 10 Discussion Board Question:

The following case describes a 14-year-old female client named Kara.

  1. How does the evidence align with psychopathology of the impulse-control disorders we studied this week?
  2. Do you see evidence for any other comorbid conditions? If so, how does the evidence align with psychopathology of those conditions? Kara is a 14-year-old female client who is super defiant

Kara is a 14-year-old female client. According to her mother,

Kara was always a very happy child. Until she was almost 10, there were no problems and that is hard for everyone to believe now. Kara certainly started her the teen years early. At age 11, she had a tantrum about not being able to go out with her boyfriend who was 15. She looked older for her age, like she was 15 or 16, but she did not have the maturity of a 16-year-old. When she was 12, she ran away from home for a week before anyone could find her. After she came home, she took a bottle of rum to school and got drunk. But the worst part was that she was absolutely unbearable to live with. Kara had become super defiant, and would fight her dad and me or anyone else for no reason at all. She never seemed happy, just angry. By the time she was about 13 or so, she wanted to spend all of her time with her older friends who were 18 or so. We just kept asking ourselves, “what had happened to our Kara?” She was failing in school mostly because she was never there. She was never where she told us she said she was going. Our first clue came when one night she came home high on something and told us she was going straight upstairs to bed. We heard a loud crash and my husband ran upstairs to make sure Kara was alright. He found her in the bathroom trying to cut herself with a piece of the mirror she had smashed. He said she said her boyfriend of two months had left her so she wanted to die. We took her to the hospital and they patched up her arm, then sent her home with us. For a few weeks she just hung around the house and lay on her bed and listened to music. Eventually, she asked to go to one of her girlfriends’ house, so we agreed as long as she was home by 9:00 PM. Later that night, the phone rang and she was at the emergency room after she told her friend that she had taken a half bottle of Tylenol. We just cannot imagine what we did to make her do these things. She was such a sweet child.

Assignment Evaluation

Each Discussion Board Response will be evaluated according the to the following rubric:

Criterion Possible  
Relevance 4 Response addresses the case study prompt.
Evidence Based 4 Response identifies and synthesizes the evidence in the literature
Critical Thinking 5 Review demonstrates critical thinking
Mechanics 2 Writing is logical, APA 7th used; no errors in spelling, grammar, citations or references


Bearing in mind :


The student will:

  1. Examine connections of broad ecological, global, and social determinants of mental health to the etiology and clinical manifestations of psychiatric disorders (PMH-NP CC I & VII; DNP Essentials I, II, III, V, VII & VIII; KMRI)
  2. Apply understanding of epidemiology and risk analysis of prevalence of disorders or behaviors in exploration of diverse populations across the lifespan (PMH-NP CC VII; DNP Essentials I, II, III, VII & VIII; KRI)
  3. Analyze the relationship between normal and specific system alterations associated with mental health problems, psychiatric disorders, and treatment (PMH-NP CC I ;DNP Essentials I, III, VIII; KI)
  4. Evaluates the impact of psychiatric disorders on the patient’s cultural, ethnic, & spiritual identity and the impact of practices on outcomes of care (PMH-NP CC VII; DNP Essentials II & V; MR)
  5. Implement advanced decision-making skills applicable to the diagnosis and development of a management plan for patients experiencing psychiatric disorders (PMH-NP CC IV ;DNP Essentials I, III, VIII; KI)
  6. Explore praxis with the use of technology for thinking and learning about psychiatric disorders and psychopathology (DNP Essentials III; I) Kara is a 14-year-old female client who is super defiant

Use at least 2 peer review articles/ journals that is not more than 5 years each for both questions , our required textbook, making it a total of 5 references. 1 page for each question making it 2 pages in all .


Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2014). Kaplan and Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Co. ISBN 9781609139711