
PHI 208 Week 2 Quiz

PHI 208 Week 2 Quiz PHI 208 Week 2 Quiz 1. Question : According to the video “Meet Your Meat”, which of the following is true of how animals are slaughtered on factory farms 2. Question : In what way does Peter Singer think that speciesism is similar to racism and sexism?  3. Question :…

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Tom Regan)

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Tom Regan) PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Tom Regan) Tom Regan says that we all have equal inherent value by virtue of being ‘experiencing subjects of a life’. What does it mean to be an ‘experiencing subject of a life’? Do you think that being the subject of…

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Singer and Moral Justification)

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Singer and Moral Justification) PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Singer and Moral Justification) Singer argues that there is no moral justification for denying moral consideration to animals. Can you think of a good moral reason why our moral consideration should include all humans, even those without the ability…

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Primary Goal)

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Primary Goal) PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion 2 (Primary Goal) If the primary goal of utilitarianism is to generate the greatest good for the greatest number, a secondary goal is to minimize suffering. Using at least one quote from one of the required readings, discuss the ways in which…

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