PHI 208 Week 2 Quiz

PHI 208 Week 2 Quiz

PHI 208 Week 2 Quiz

1. Question : According to the video “Meet Your Meat”, which of the following is true of how animals are slaughtered on factory farms
2. Question : In what way does Peter Singer think that speciesism is similar to racism and sexism? 
3. Question : According to chapter 2 of Understanding Philosophy, utilitarianism is a form of what broader kind of ethical theory?
4. Question : According to Tom Regan, what is fundamentally wrong with the treatment of animals in our current system?
5. Question : What is Tom Regan’s position about the use of animals in research and agriculture?
6. Question : According to chapter 2 of Understanding Philosophy, which of the following would be an expression of rule utilitarianism, rather than act utilitarianism?


7. Question : Which of the following statements is the strongest evidence that the person saying it is a utilitarian?
8. Question : What moral theory does Jeremy Bentham (with whom Singer seems to agree) endorse?
9. Question : The video “Meet Your Meat” can best be described as primarily communicating which message?
10. Question : Which of the following does Tom Regan say about the utilitarian approach to animal ethics?
11. Question : Peter Singer’s “basic principle of equality” applied to animals means:
12. Question : Which of the following describes how egg-laying hens are treated in factory farms, according to the video “Meet Your Meat”?
13. Question : According to John Stuart Mill, utilitarianism takes into account the happiness of:
14. Question : According to chapter 2 of Understanding Philosophy, which of the following makes it difficult to calculate the utility of an act, raising a potential problem for utilitarianism?  
15. Question : What is a key feature of utilitarianism according to the assigned texts?
16. Question : Tom Regan’s view of animals is that:
17. Question : What does Tom Regan say is the source of inherent value in an individual, whether human or animal?
18. Question : According to Mill, utilitarian morality holds that:
19. Question : What is speciesism according to Peter Singer’s account?
20. Question : What is the point of Regan’s discussion about Aunt Bea and utilitarianism’s respect for human life?