Wk 7 Electronic Health Record Documentation Paper

Wk 7 Electronic Health Record Documentation Paper

Wk 7 Electronic Health Record Documentation Paper

Unit 7 Assignment – EMR Documentation

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  • Due Jun 23 by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

Estimated time to complete: 4 hours



Taking short-cuts in any profession can be a risk, but when it comes to health record documentation, short-cuts can impact the patient, provider, and health care entity. You are the clinical operations manager of the new surgical center.

You manage all physicians and other ancillary providers. You discover that no formal policy exists regarding “best practices” for EMR documentation.

Create a 2-3 page policy on EMR Best Practices

  • Include an introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the policy.
  • Divide the policy contents into two sections: administrative staff, and clinical staff.
  • Include at least three best practices (some of these may be the same for both administrative and clinical staff, but you should strive to identify specific best practices for each group).
  • Include at least four (two for admin, two for clinical staff) common mistakes, short-cuts, etc. and how and why to avoid them.
  • Your policy should use formal and professional verbiage.
  • On a separate page, list a minimum of three references in APA format.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.


  • EMR Best Practices documentation – Word document (.doc) or PDF


Unit 7 Assignment: EMR Documentation (1)

Unit 7 Assignment: EMR Documentation (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
20.0 pts5

Includes a comprehensive and well-written introduction that clearly and succinctly explains an accurate purpose for the policy.

18.0 pts4

Includes a well-written introduction that clearly and succinctly explains an accurate purpose for the policy.

16.0 pts3

Includes a somewhat well-written introduction that clearly explains an accurate purpose for the policy.

14.0 pts2

Includes a somewhat well-written introduction that minimally explains a purpose for the policy.

12.0 pts1

Includes a brief introduction that inaccurately explains a purpose for the policy.

0.0 pts0

Does not provide an introduction.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAdministrative Staff
75.0 pts5

Identifies and accurately describes 3 or more best practices; correctly identifies 4 or more common mistakes; clearly and correctly describes multiple ways to avoid mistakes.

67.0 pts4

Identifies and accurately describes at least 3 best practices; correctly identifies at least 4 common mistakes; correctly describes some ways to avoid mistakes.

60.0 pts3

Identifies and accurately describes 2-3 best practices; correctly identifies 3- 4 common mistakes; correctly describes at least one way to avoid mistakes.

52.0 pts2

Identifies and somewhat inaccurately describes 2-3 best practices; somewhat incorrectly identifies 3- 4 common mistakes; or incorrectly describes ways to avoid mistakes.

45.0 pts1

Inaccurately describes best practices; incorrectly identifies common mistakes; and incorrectly describes ways to avoid mistakes.

0.0 pts0

Does not identify best practices, common mistakes, or ways to avoid for Administrative Staff.

75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical Staff
75.0 pts5

Identifies and accurately describes 3 or more best practices; correctly identifies 4 or more common mistakes; clearly and correctly describes multiple ways to avoid mistakes.

67.0 pts4

Identifies and accurately describes at least 3 best practices; correctly identifies at least 4 common mistakes; correctly describes some ways to avoid mistakes.

60.0 pts3

Identifies and accurately describes 2-3 best practices; correctly identifies 3- 4 common mistakes; correctly describes at least one way to avoid mistakes.

52.0 pts2

Identifies and somewhat inaccurately describes 2-3 best practices; somewhat incorrectly identifies 3- 4 common mistakes; or incorrectly describes ways to avoid mistakes.

45.0 pts1

Inaccurately describes best practices; incorrectly identifies common mistakes; and incorrectly describes ways to avoid mistakes.

0.0 pts0

Does not identify best practices, common mistakes, or ways to avoid for Clinical Staff.

75.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
20.0 pts5

Paper is 2-3 pages; includes an introduction; clearly divided by administrative and clinical staff; best practices and common mistakes are clearly and accurately identified.

18.0 pts4

Paper is 2-3 pages; includes an introduction; clearly divided by administrative and clinical staff; best practices and common mistakes are identified.

16.0 pts3

Paper is 2-3 pages; includes a brief introduction; clearly divided by administrative and clinical staff; best practices and common mistakes are identified.

14.0 pts2

Paper is 1-2 pages; includes a very brief; divided by administrative and clinical staff; best practices and common mistakes are identified.

12.0 pts1

Paper is 1-2 pages; includes a very brief introduction; paper is not divided by administrative and clinical staff; or best practices and common mistakes are not identified or are missing.

0.0 pts0

Does not appropriately organize the paper.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting style, grammar, spelling and APA formatting
10.0 pts5

Writing is highly professional and completely error free in grammar, spelling and APA formatting, citations and 3 or more references.

9.0 pts2

Writing is mostly professional; a few very minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and at least 3 references.

8.0 pts3

Writing is somewhat professional; a few minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and 2-3 references.

7.0 pts2

Writing is somewhat unprofessional; several errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and 1-2 references.

6.0 pts1

Writing is somewhat unprofessional; some major errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and only 1 reference.

0.0 pts0

Writing is very unprofessional; many major errors in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and no references.

10.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0


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