What makes a good qualitative research question?

What makes a good qualitative research question?

What makes a good qualitative research question?

A good research question sets the stage for how the methods and procedures of the study unfold.

Before you delve into the development of your own research question, watch the following video to discover some tips.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2017). What makes a good research question? [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

In this Discussion, you will identify criteria for a good qualitative research question.

Post a 2-part response to the following prompts:

  • Share a definition, in your own words, of a good qualitative research question. Cite sources to support what you have developed.
  • Present the summary of the qualitative research article you found, and justify why it meets or does not meet your criteria for a good research question.

Respond to a classmate and provide constructive feedback on his or her definition and supporting arguments. Your comments might include the following:

  • An expansion of your classmate’s definition of a good qualitative research question
  • Another article you found that you can present as an example of a study that presents a good qualitative research question


What Makes a Good Research Question?

A good research question sets the stage for how the methods and procedures of the study unfold.

Before you delve into the development of your own research question, watch the following video to discover some tips.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017). What makes a good research question? [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

In this Discussion, you will identify criteria for a good qualitative research question.

Post a 2-part response to the following prompts:

  • Share a definition, in your own words, of a good qualitative research question. Cite sources to support what you have developed.
  • Present the summary of the qualitative research article you found, and justify why it meets or does not meet your criteria for a good research question.


Respond to a classmate and provide constructive feedback on his or her definition and supporting arguments. Your comments might include the following:

  • An expansion of your classmate’s definition of a good qualitative research question
  • Another article you found that you can present as an example of a study that presents a good qualitative research question


Student  LL posting

  1. Share a definition, in your own words, of a good qualitative research question. Cite sources to support what you have developed.

A good qualitative research question would be able to answer the “Who, “What and how” of the study that one is researching. The “Who” will be able to research the individuals, the groups, or organizations that the researcher has an interest in studying. The “What” will consist of the phenomenon of interest that the researcher has an interest in examining, and the “How” will be how to approach the terminology of the chosen method in order to generate, analyze and interpret the data.

  1. Present the summary of the qualitative research article you found, and justify why it meets or does not meet your criteria for a good research question.

The research question that I have selected will be “Why Are So Many African American Males Incarcerated – Is It Genetics.” The qualitative research article that I have selected is Genetic Transmission Effects and Intergenerational Contact With The Criminal Justice System A Consideration of Three Dopamine Polymorphisms, the article meets my criteria for a good research question because reading the article according to (Guo, Cai, Guo, Wang, & Harris, 2010; Guo, Roettger, & Shih, 2007), they have stated that there are several genes that have been associated with the transmission and reception of the neurotransmitter dopamine stating that it has been linked to a number of antisocial behaviors. Since my focus will be on African American Males being incarcerated and genetics this is one article that will be an excellent source. What is also important in the article and meets the criteria for my research question as stated by (Murray et al., 2009), parental incarceration has also been associated with a number of antisocial and problem behaviors. According to Strain Theory which was developed by Robert K. Merton (Merton, 1938) explains that crime is a function of being from a disadvantaged, and deprivation family. Also not having opportunities that most of society has been privileged to have. The three distinct dopamine-related polymorphisms, DAT1, DRD2, and DRD4 have all been linked to various types of problem behaviors. The dopamine polymorphisms have been associated with violence, alcoholism, gambling, impulsivity, polysubstance use, victimization, and externalizing behavior (Barnes & Jacobs, 2012; Walsh & Beaver, 2009).


Miller, H. V., & Barnes, J. C. (n.d.). GENETIC TRANSMISSION EFFECTS AND INTERGENERATIONAL CONTACT WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM A Consideration of Three Dopamine Polymorphisms. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR, 40(6), 671-689. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/0093854812468434

Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Chapter 1, “The Nature, Niche, Value, and Fruit of Qualitative Inquiry” (pp. 2-44)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Introduction to SAGE research methods online [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3D-Zh7Voal&feature=youtu.be

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017). What makes a good research question? [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.





Required Readings

Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

  • Chapter 1, “The Nature, Niche, Value, and Fruit of Qualitative Inquiry” (pp. 2–44)

Maxwell, J. A. (2009). Designing a qualitative study. In L. Bickman & D. J. Rog, The SAGE handbook of applied social research methods (pp. 214–253). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. doi:10.4135/9781483348858.n7

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Ortlipp, M. (2008). Keeping and using reflective journals in the qualitative research process. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 695–705. Retrieved from http://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1579&context=tqr

Walden University. (2016a). Office of Student Research Administration: EdD doctoral study. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/researchcenter/osra/edd


Note: For the EdD doctoral study, use this webpage to access the rubrics in the qualitative checklist, along with prospectus templates and guidelines.

Walden University. (2016b). Office of Student Research Administration: PhD dissertation program. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/researchcenter/osra/phd


Note: For the PhD dissertation program, use this web page to access the rubrics in the qualitative checklist, along with prospectus templates and guidelines.

Walden University. (2016c). Research resources: Research planning & writing. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/researchcenter/resources/planning


Note: From this web page, access the “Litmus Test” document.


Documents and Tools

Creswell, J. W. (2016). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among the five approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among the Five Approaches, 3rd Edition by Creswell, J. Copyright 2012 by Sage College. Reprinted by permission of Sage College via the Copyright Clearance Center.


Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Introduction to SAGE research methods online [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3D-Zh7VoaI&feature=youtu.be



(The standard of grading by the professor. Please observe when answering the questions)

*Discussion posting demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text(s) and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail (including multiple relevant examples), evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.


Response posting is excellent and fully contributes to the quality of interaction by offering substantive constructive critiques, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes that draw from the readings and other scholarly sources.

Postings are well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate-level writing style.








Student 1

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