What is the Impact of Technology in Nursing Practice?

What is the Impact of Technology in Nursing Practice?

What is the Impact of Technology in Nursing Practice?


In the modern world, technology has become the tool towards effective service delivery and production of goods. While technology may seem to have initiated and tremendously change the nursing practice, it is significant to research on the impacts in this field thoroughly. In the recent few decades, some health practitioners had some negative views towards the implementation of Electronic Health Records. However, it is apparent that many organizations have embraced the technology, mainly because of the benefits the facilities are able to enjoy with the implementation of the Electronic Health Registers. It is apparent that nursing practice is somewhat the backbone of the health facilities from a broader perspective. Therefore, any improvement on the nursing practice dramatically improves the overall service delivery and image of the health facility. In nursing practice, technology has enhanced communication, nurse education, and research.




Problem Statement

Most of the sectors and professionals across the world are leveraging on technology for cost-cutting, efficiency and overall performance among other benefits. It is important to note that the use of technology is capable of drastically reducing the cost of providing healthcare and improving the services by the nurse practitioners.  How are the nurse practitioners leveraging technology?




Purpose of the study

The primary purpose of this study is to examine the various ways the technology has changed the nurse practice. To establish this, this study examines the different areas that the nurse practitioners are engaging technology in their endeavors to providing high quality and timely healthcare to eradicate the health challenges facing the modern society (Elgin & Bergero, 2015). As such, this research proposal purposes to determine the help of various technological advancements towards assisting the nurse practitioners including the implementation of the Electronic Health Records, use of internet in research, big data and cloud computing for easy access of records and communication between the nurses and patients.


Research question

For the realization of the above-stated purpose, this research proposal responds to the question of what are the impacts of technology in nursing practice. It is notable that nurse practitioners like other professionals are using technology. In this regard, this research proposal seeks to identify the various benefits technology has influenced in nurse practice or why the nurse practitioners should continue using technology?


The significance of the Study

The study on the impacts of technology in the nurse practice field is very significant and in different ways. Firstly, this study shall determine the importance of leveraging technology in nurse practice towards minimizing or eradicating the common problem of burnouts among the nurse practitioners. It is also important to note that the study shall examine the various changes and benefits that the different technological improvements such as the Electronic Health Records have influenced in the nurse practice (Lavin, Harper & Barr, 2015). For instance, recent research finds that the use of EHRs has drastically reduced the cost of running healthcare facilities. Of importance, the Electronic health records have enabled ease of access of the patient records by the nurses.

The latter shows that the nurses are less likely to have the burnouts with the implementation of the EHRs. Traditionally, the nurses used to peruse through the manual documents to determine the patients’ records regardless of the length of the queues. With the EHRs, nurses are able to access the full details of the patients within seconds (Weaver, Delaney, Weber & Carr, 2016). Therefore, the technology that has brought HER has greatly benefited the nurses in record keeping a situation that influences efficiency in health care facilities thus promoting the image of facilities while ensuring the good health of the communities they serve.

As observed, EHRs enables the nurse practitioners to meet their objectives at a lower cost and using less energy. In fact, the systems allows the nurse practitioners to serve more clients within a limited time (Piscotty, Kalisch & Gracey‐Thomas, 2015). However, as nurses are able to serve more clients, they need more storage space for the storage of the increasing number of the patients’ data. This study will also help to determine what procedures or technological strategies are the nurse practitioners employing to improve storage facilities to avoid system downtimes and eventual failures of the entire system. From this perspective, this research proposal endeavors to establish the extent to which the nurse practitioners are leveraging cloud computing to improve the storage of the patient’s data. The increased data stored provides a pool of information that nurse practitioners can use in their research to develop other interventions for different health problems.



This study proposal determines that the use of technology in the health care sector has great impacts on the nurse practice. Notably, the technology has influenced the proper and easier method of record keeping that permits improved service the people thus improved health in the community. Additionally, the technology has enhanced communication among the nurse practitioners and physicians for efficiency. Finally, the technology has greatly influenced research for the realization of different intervention strategies through the big data.


Elgin, K. H., & Bergero, C. (2015). Technology and the Bedside Nurse: an exploration and review of implications for practice. Nursing Clinics, 50(2), 227-239.

Lavin, M. A., Harper, E., & Barr, N. (2015). Health information technology, patient safety, and professional nursing care documentation in acute care settings. Online J Issues Nurs, 20(6).

Piscotty, R. J., Kalisch, B., & Gracey‐Thomas, A. (2015). Impact of healthcare information technology on nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(4), 287-293.

Weaver, C., Delaney, C., Weber, P., & Carr, R. (2016). Nursing and informatics for the 21st century: an international look at practice, education, and EHR trends. HIMSS Publishing.


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