Walden University Personal Self Assessment Discussion

Walden University Personal Self Assessment Discussion

Walden University Personal Self Assessment Discussion

Write a 3-5 page self-assessment in which you:

  • Explain why you are pursuing a doctoral degree.
  • Briefly describe the results of your SWOT analysis.
  • Formulate three goals you plan to accomplish as a result of (or in conjunction with) completion of your DBA degree.
  • Compose at least three personal or professional strengths that will aid you in achieving your goals and at least three challenges that might prevent you from reaching your goals.
  • Assess how prepared you are to overcome these challenges, including any strategies you have developed or resources you may draw on to help you achieve your goals.
  • Conclude why earning your DBA degree can not only help you to achieve your goals but can create opportunities for you as a global change agent to devise solutions to complex business problems and to effect positive social change in the world and/or your community.


*Attached is the template that must be used when formatting the paper. I have attached a good amount of information on it, it just needs to be elaborated more and sources also need to be added in the elaboration.

*Paper must be formatted in APA including citations

*The only required resources that can be used for this paper is The Universities Library:

Link to library: https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/library

Identifying Your “Why”

[Explain why you are pursuing a doctoral degree.]

#1: Obtaining a doctorate degree will help enhance my knowledge of research methods which will allow me to build credibility by having a solid foundation supporting my position. The extensive research that is required will give me the opportunity to develop my ability to analyze and think critically which will positively stimulate my decision making skills, especially within business strategies.

#2: Withholding a Doctorate degree provides various opportunities for career advancements, especially the competitive advantage that it offers. The competitive advantages ranges from various factors such as a competitive pay scale, more qualifying for top-level positions and advanced skills in correlation to critical thinking and problem-solving which Employers rely on. The thorough research I’ve conducted will present me with the opportunity to make social and economic changes to relevant issues within a scope of organizations that can improve their overall efficiency.

Personal SWOT Analysis Results

[Briefly describe the results of your SWOT analysis.]

Strengths: #1-Time management, #2 competitive advantage of being a continuing college student (know the expectations), #3 Proficient writing skills, #4 experience writing a 60 page essay in which I conducted thorough research


Weaknesses: Procrastination, I get easily distracted, Always hard for me to begin writing a paper because I think about it too much (over-thinker)


Opportunities: Resource of Mentoring through the program from two family members who have gotten their Doctorate from Walden, but in different fields. My reasons for wanting to pursue a doctorate.


Threats: #1 Distractions (Social media- on there 24/7 and being socially active)


Formulating Goals and Strategies


[Formulate three goals you plan to accomplish as a result of (or in conjunction with) completion of your DBA degree.]

Goal #1:  I currently serve as a Administrative Specialist for The South Carolina Department of Corrections for the Education Department in Palmetto Unified School District(PUSD) .PUSD is a school district designed to help further the education of individuals who are incarcerated. We provide resources and opportunities through various trade school programs such as Carpentry and CDL, as well as the basic education of a High School Diploma or GED. We host a graduation to celebrate student achievements on a yearly basis. The recipients of a GED or Diploma are rewarded the exact same as a normal High School ceremony which they receive physical documentation conferring their education .  I am also a certified Pearson Vue Test Administrator. I want to Start a non-profit organization where I can continue giving incarcerated individuals a chance to transition back into society by providing them with educational oppurtunities.

Goal #2: Hold the occupation of a higher level position such as a Senior Human Resource Manager

Goal #3:  Develop my ability to think critically and make better decisions

Strengths and Challenges

[Compose at least three personal or professional strengths that will aid you in achieving your goals and at least three challenges that might prevent you from reaching your goals.]

Strength #1: My experience conducting thorough research that can help with the dissertation. Took a Business Research class in undergrad which helped me closely examine the correct way in research a topic. I had to write a 60 page thesis conducting research for improving the organization including spreadsheets, etc to support my position.

Strength #2: Dedication and Commitment to school (After I got my bachelors, I started my Masters 6 months later. After I got my Masters, I started my doctorate 3 months later)

Strength #3: Time management skills

Challenge #1: Procrastination

Challenge #2: I am an over-thinker

Challenge #3: Stress from work and personal life

 Self-Assessment for Overcoming Challenges

[Assess how prepared you are to overcome these challenges, including any strategies you have developed or resources you may draw on to help you achieve your goals.]


[Conclude why earning your DBA degree can create opportunities for you as a global change agent to devise solutions to complex business problems and to effect positive social change in the world and/or your community.]

Walden University Personal Self Assessment Discussion

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