Walden University Data Analysis Assignment

Walden University Data Analysis Assignment

Walden University Data Analysis Assignment

Create a pivot table of Gender and Major. Then complete the Joint Probability table so you can answer the following:

a) What is the probability of randomly choosing a Female?

b) What is the probability of randomly choosing a Male AND Finance major?

c) What is the probability of randomly choosing a Female OR Leadership major?

d) Given that the student you selected is a Male, what is the probability he has no major?

e) Given that the student you selected has no major, what is the probability the student is male?



Let’s assume that the Student_Data.xls file was the entire population. We know the mean and standard deviation of student ages to be 42.3 and 8.9, respectively. Using the Normal_ Probability.xls file, compute the percentage of students that are older than 50, younger than 40, between 41 and 46, and oldest 10% are at what age? Then compare to the truth as found in the actual file.

The examples in the Solutions to the Practice Problems that are in Course Materials give you an idea of the information you need to include in your written analysis for each of the problems in the Complete section.  Here are a few hints that help you to insure you have an analysis with breadth.


  1. a) DEFINE WHAT YOU ARE DOING.  This is NOT a step by step description of your actions.  This is where you define and explain the statistics you are going to run to answer the question.  For example, what is a categorical analysis?  Why run it?  What will it tell you?  What variables are you going to use to run it?  Show me that you know what you are running.


  1. b) REPORT THE RESULTS.  This is the EASY one.  Everyone should get this one right every time!  All you must do is report the results using the appropriate “statistical terminology” that Dr. M has shown you in the text and in the Attend (yes, you should read and watch these!).


  1. c) INTERPRET THE RESULTS.  This one is NOT the same as reporting the results.  Here you are going to explain what the results are telling us. What do they MEAN?  What conclusions can we draw from the results?  This is a critical part of the answer EVERY TIME!  That’s because the point of the class is to make sure you can USE statistics.  You show you can use them by (being able to explain why you use them in A above) being able to EXPLAIN what the results MEAN – that’s more than just reading the numbers that Excel spits out.   For example, let’s say the results of your analysis say that there is a statistically significant difference between the GPAs of males versus females.  If you say “I accept the alternative hypothesis that GPAs are different for males and females” that is NOT a good answer!  All that answer did was restate the results.  You MUST go on and explain what that result MEANS – INTERPRET it for me based on the information you have.  So, you might go on and say something like, “males tend to have higher GPAs than females.  This may be true because males tend to work fewer hours than females and therefore they have more time to study.”  That’s an interpretation – it may take a little creativity and it will take a reading of the chapter and watching the Attend as well as knowing your dataset. (And by the way, I made that up – that result, or interpretation is not necessarily true!!


I would like your written analysis to be included with your output from the excel files in the ONE-word document that you upload to the Drop Box for each Unit.  Generally, you will have a minimum of 500 words in each analysis.     I am more concerned that you have breadth.   So, that word count to achieve that might be different given what you are testing.    I am a little more lenient in the first Unit regarding written analysis.  I give you time to get your bearings and a feel for what I am looking for.


Statistics Unit 1 Written Analysis

Statistics Unit 1 Written Analysis Excel File




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