Stress Management- Poor Sleep Habits

Stress Management- Poor Sleep Habits

Stress Management- Poor Sleep Habits


Poor Sleep Habits

  1. Significance of Choosing Poor Sleep Habits

Though rarely discussed openly, poor sleep habits are a common phenomenon that can affect any individual in the age structure (Seaward, 2011). Sleep is regarded as one of the essential components of health that prompts poor sleeping habits as a stressor. Sleep plays a vital role in regulating emotions, metabolism, memory consolidation, learning, and even the brain’s recuperation activities (Seaward, 2011). Therefore, poor sleep habits can be categorized in the same category with low diet and lack of physical activity.



  1. Proposed change

This journal aims at creating awareness of the poor sleep habits as a typical stressor but can be avoided. Furthermore, I intend to challenge myself and other people to avoid activities that lead to this stressor, including inconsistent bedtime, heavy meal shortly before bed, and inactiveness during the day. Poor sleep habits are reversible despite their severe health implications.

  1. Personal Experience of Poor Sleeping Habits Physically, Psychologically, Spiritually and Socially

Poor sleep habits are potentially dangerous as they can result in bodily injury and accidents. Not once have I stumbled or almost lost control while driving for being sleepy. It is not uncommon to find your body loses control of being asleep. According to Seaward (2011), the stressor also contributes to weight addition increasing the risk of other physical health conditions, including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. From a psychological perspective, the stressor hinders my cognitive abilities, such as thinking rationally and quickly. Sleep deprivation also increases the risks of irritability, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, I often feel cranky or grumpy and have an undesirable spirit towards other people or situations. I have also realized that I often exhibit ant-social behavior by evading other people with inconsistent sleeping patterns.

  1. Personal Experience from Completing the Worksheet

After completing the self-assessment worksheet on poor sleep habits, I learned several things contributing to my poor sleep habit. For instance, I do not go to sleep or wake at the same time every day. Although I rarely take coffee or a heavy meal shortly before bedtime, I usually have hot showers before sleeping. I did not know that some activities such as taking a newspaper or notebook to bed and watching television from bed influence my sleeping patterns. Also, I usually take my phone to the bedroom and sometimes reply to a few messages or check my social media accounts.

Previously, I never thought such an innocent activity to call it a day can contribute to poor sleep habits (Seaward, 2011).

  1. M.A.R.T. Principles of Managing Poor Sleep Habits

According to Seaward (2011), improving sleep pattern is a gradual process that involves readjustments and abandonment of some usual routines that affect sleep negatively. For instance, one can make the bed or the bedroom more comfortable, be mindful of diet and exercising, limit day time napping, manage stress, and even stick to a regular sleep schedule. At the individual, I can apply specific, measurable, attainable, achievable, and timely (SMART) goals to improve my sleeping pattern.

  • Specific: Stick to the same time for sleep and waking up in the morning. In this case, I would be sleeping at ten o’clock and wake up at precisely six o’clock every morning.
  • Measurable: I will be recording the number of hours I slept every day and deviations that may arise from my adjusted sleep time.
  • Achievable: I will stop reading, writing, and watching T.V. while in bed and start leaving the phone in the sitting room.
  • Relevant: Being in bed by 10:00 p.m. is appropriate because I can manage to have dinner with family, watch T.V., read a newspaper or write a note before retiring to bed.
  • Timely: I will adhere to this routine every weekday and re-adjusts on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, I can sleep at 11:00 p.m. and wake up at 7:00 a.m. as I seldom study on weekends.


Seaward, B. (2011). The art of peace and relaxation workbook. Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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