Strength and Weakness in The Research Process

Strength and Weakness in The Research Process

Strength and Weakness in The Research Process

Explain at least one strength and one weakness you have with regard to the research process.

All of the assignments that we have completed weekly, helped me identify the research process from the beginning by knowing the difference between a social problem and research problem, reliable search engines, relevant resources, gap in literature, annotated bibliography, literature review outline and the overall prospectus process (Stadlander 2015). At the start of class, I had minimal research experience that focused on my possible topic and the amount of information involved in the dissertation. My strength is the connection, excitement and the amount of literature available on my topic. I enjoy reading articles and learning about ADHD and the topic continues to be relevant so additional literature is published often.



The journals helped me process the newly found information from various search engines using keywords to narrow down the information and retain relevant literature to support the research topic.

I have many weaknesses when it comes to research such as APA, writing and the amount of information needed to conduct research. The weakness that is a direct concern with regards to the research process is the number of articles and the amount of time needed to skim through each one.

Explain the steps you might take to address areas of weakness and which Walden resources you might use to help you.


Walden library and the writing center are my go to for research, tutorials, webinars, modules, videos and literature. I am able to meet class writing requirements but I have concerns with the amount of writing and time that is involved with the dissertation and therefore, I have identified steps to address the weakness that is critical to my growth.

  1. Block out time to review articles.
  2. Maintain the use of keywords to eliminate too much literature
  3. Use techniques identified from this course to stay focused
  4. Be prepared by tracking and categorizing articles for organizational purposes
  5. Use support systems and chair for guidance


Stadtlander, L. M. (2015). Finding your way to a Ph.D.: Advice from the dissertation mentor. CreateSpace

Independent Publishing Platform.

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