Social Change and Intelligence Capstone Solution Paper

Social Change and Intelligence Capstone Solution Paper

Social Change and Intelligence Capstone Solution Paper

Post a description of two potential solutions to the problem, based on the literature that you have researched (uploaded below) , and explain the advantages and challenges in implementation of each solution. Be sure to support your solutions with scholarly literature. 500 words or more



Also, explain the potential for positive social change for each proposed solution, and discuss how you might promote positive social change.

If you could direct the implementation of each solution, what other ideas do you have that could lead to a successful resolution of the problem?

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

Post a brief definition of intelligence, including the main components of intelligence. Then provide your position on whether or not emotional intelligence is an accurate measure of intelligence. Justify your response. 500 words or more

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Problem Solution Preparation


Now that you have critically analyzed the problem, the next step is generating a solution. Please review the following steps in creating the problem solution for your identified Capstone problem.


Step 1

Identify the goal in developing a solution.


Using the evacuation plan problem from the Problem Statement Examples, the goal would be to prevent the Hurricane Katrina disaster from occurring again by creating an effective, well-developed evacuation plan.


Step 2

List several possible solutions that you found support for in the scholarly literature. Also, include a possible solution that you created from your own ideas or expertise in this area.


This is a short list of possible solutions for the evacuation plan for New Orleans:


Have emergency management officials trained on a variety of evacuation plans from around the country prior to revising the plan for New Orleans.


Develop ways to educate/inform the entire city about the newly revised evacuation plan, including how it works and maps showing where people would go and how they would get there.


Develop evacuation plan drills for the city to practice the plan to ensure that it works properly.


Step 3

For each possible solution, think about the advantages and disadvantages. Is it a realistic solution? Is it manageable? What are the costs and benefits of the solution? What are the challenges and barriers to the solution?


Here is a sample analysis using the example of evacuation drills for the city:


This is probably not a realistic plan considering the size of the city. It would be financially costly, as the emergency staff would have to be paid and the National Guard troops alerted. It is probably unmanageable, given that it would require that residents leave their jobs and schools to participate in a drill.


Step 4

Choose one solution that seems most workable for alleviating the problem.  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the solution. What challenges or barriers might occur with this solution? Discuss the potential for social change that could occur if this solution is implemented.


Support your problem solution with citations to the research literature.

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