SOC 320 Week 4 DQ 1 Lobbying Recent essay

SOC 320 Week 4 DQ 1 Lobbying Recent essay

SOC 320 Week 4 DQ 1 Lobbying Recent essay

Lobbying. When we refer to lobbying in United States politics, we are referring to the practice of organizations and corporations with special interests hiring well-connected professional advocates to influence legislation and policy making, usually directly with decision-making bodies such as the United States Congress.

For this discussion, read this article When Lobbyists Literally Write the Bill and review the Center for Responsive Politics list of top spenders on lobbying in 2015. Next, address the following:
Explain in greater detail what lobbying is and how it impacts the policy process from problem identification to agenda setting to policy implementation.

Critics argue that lobbyists have undue influence on the political process in the United States. Explain their reasoning behind this concern.
Do you think lobbying is a fair process and should be a part of the American political process?


Select one of the organizations or corporations from the Center for Responsive Politics list of top spenders on lobbying in 2015. Why would this organization/corporation employ a lobbyist? What is the benefit to the organization/corporation? Do you think this process is controversial? Why or why not?

Read the following essay, written by Antonio, a fourth-grade student.

The Bully in the Mirror
Antonio, 4th Grade

Mirror Mirror on the wall why must I be the
Bully that has to fall. I beat on kids around the school
The mirror told me it wasn’t cool. The mirror told me to change.
My ways I have beat up kids all by days. I have no friends.
It’s just not right. The mirror said cause you like to fight.
I am a bully how could this be. The mirror is starting to
Change me. Reflections are now flashing back to me.
Someone plant the seed inside of me. Now the mirror has
shown me poor. I’ll change my ways and start
new days the bully is no more part of me.
Any bully can change.

Antonio obviously wants to make change.  As a fourth grader, it is almost impossible to do this alone.  Therefore, he has handed this writing piece to you, his teacher.  Understanding that this transformation involves far more than you and Antonio, you will devise a plan to help him change his history and be a good person.  

Devise a game plan for Antonio’s change:

Share two lessons or activities that can be completed with the whole class.  The lessons should focus on the importance of awareness and bully prevention.  Describe the activities and how these lessons will benefit the class as a whole.

List one idea showing how the class can support Antonio’s change.  Explain how you will help your students support their former tormentor.

List one strategy that you can help Antonio implement in order for him to stay on the right path.  (e.g., Literature, a check list, or a change in routine.)

Explain one suggestion you will share with Antonio’s parents, so that this change in behavior is a true partnership between you, the child, and the parents.
Use the information from your text and the Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Centerwebsite to create your plan.  You must include one additional resource other than the two given.  Please be very specific with your activities, so that your classmates can recreate these lessons in their own classrooms.  


Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length.

Must include at least one scholarly resource in addition to the text and required resources.  

Must be formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a Reference page formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must be well organized and reflect college level writing.

Carefully review the Grading Rubricfor the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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