Smoking Patterns and Risk in Glendale Discussion

Smoking Patterns and Risk in Glendale Discussion

Smoking Patterns and Risk in Glendale Discussion

Evaluation of Community Teaching Project



1.Provide comprehensive statement of the problem using the epidemiological process including the distribution, determinants and deterrents.

2. Incorporate at least four current literature review findings as a theoretical base for your project. 

Purpose: Utilize the epidemiologic process to identify a community health need or problem, plan, implement, and evaluate a group health teaching project to meet the identified need.


Student Objectives:                                                                                          

  1. Apply principles of epidemiology to identify a community health need or probl
  2. Utilize knowledge of stressors to identify a population at health ris
  3. Evaluate health care resources available to meet and identify health need or problem
  4. Apply the nursing process to a community group.
  5. Utilize teaching/learning theory in health education with a group of learners.
  6. Apply current research in health education to plan effective strategies and content.
  7. Apply the concept of community to a community project.
  8. Utilize group process theory to plan project.



  1. Teaching groups will consist of a minimum of 3-4 individuals within each clinical grou Each group is to select a group leader/facilitator. The group will select a topic and group with consent of the instructor. The group should establish group norms to facilitate group process.
  2. The target group will consist of approximately 10 individuals. A minimum of two different teaching sessions should be presented at least one week apart. Each group member is expected to attend all sessions.
  3. A group grade will be given to the presentation. Each student is expected to participate in all phases of the project.
  4. If group process becomes an inhibiting factor to the success of the group project, the group “facilitator” must take responsibility to notify the Instructo If a student fails to assume equal responsibility for the project, the student may be assigned an individual grade.


Evaluation of Community Teaching Project



  1. Provide comprehensive statement of the problem using the epidemiological process including the distribution, determinants and deterrents.
  2. Incorporate at least four current literature review findings as a theoretical base for your project.
  3. Describe community resources available to meet the need of the community in this problem a
  4. Summarize the resources and their effectiveness for the communit
  5. Identify and summarize learner needs of your selected group. What are the learner needs of your group? Why does this group need your teaching?



  1. Describe how the learner population consisted of the same individuals for all teaching sessions.
  2. Describe how at least two class sessions were scheduled to implement the project and how all teaching group members were in attendance for all sessions.
  3. List norms established by your group (your own group rules).
  4. Identify and describe developmental and teaching/learning theory/theories used and apply appropriately to learners throughout your presentation.
  5. Describe your specific planning process for your project and overall teaching goal in behavioral terms for your participants.





CRITERIA 4 points 3 points 2 points 0-1 points Weight
Content ˜      Information thoroughly and completely addresses all elements of the assignment. Ideas are pertinent, accurate, well formulated, and well supported. ˜      Information is complete. Ideas are pertinent, accurate, well formulated and supported. ˜      Information is pertinent, but minor elements of the assignment are not addressed, and/or ideas are not well formulated or supported. ˜      Key elements of the assignment are not addressed, and/or some information is inaccurate. X3
References and Citations ˜      Reference material is strong; current (within 3 years); and incorporated logically, insightfully, and elegantly to support ideas; and sources are documented accurately. ˜      References material is adequate, current (within 5 years), and used proficiently; and sources are documented accurately. ˜      Some reference material is weak, out of date (more than 5 years old), or not clearly pertinent. Sources are documented accurately, for the most part. ˜      Reference material is inappropriate or lacking; and/or documentation is incorrect or lacking. X2
Organization ˜      Organization of the content is logical with fluid transitions that capture and hold attention throughout entire presentation. ˜      Organization of the content is consistently logical making it easy to understand, and transitions are evident. ˜      Organization of the content is inconsistent, sometimes logical and sometimes not logical. Transitions are not always evident. ˜      Organization of the content is not logical and/or some or all transitions are lacking. X2
Creativity ˜      Highly creative, and original. Excellent use of audiovisual aids that captures the audience’s interest and engages them while clearly reflecting the purpose of the presentation. ˜      Creative and original. Good use of audiovisual aids that holds the audience’s attention and clearly reflects the purpose of the presentation. ˜      Demonstrates some creativity or originality. Use of audiovisual aids that holds the audience’s attention most, but not all of the time. ˜      Lacking in creativity and originality. More audiovisual aids are needed. Does not hold the audience’s attention. X2
Communication ˜      Language is memorable and felicitous. Voice is clear, loud, and articulate.

˜      Gestures and paralinguistic cues are used to reinforce important ideas and keep the audiences interest. There are no vocalized pauses.

˜      Language is memorable and appropriate. Voice is clear, audible, and articulate.

˜      Gestures and paralinguistic cues are used appropriately to reinforce important ideas. There are no or rare vocalized pauses.

˜      Language is just adequate, voice is difficult to hear or understand at times,

˜       gestures and paralinguistic cues to reinforce ideas are seldom used, and/or vocalized pauses (ah, um) occur occasionally.

˜      Language is mundane, voice is difficult to hear or understand much of the time, tone is inappropriate,

˜       gestures and cues are not used to reinforce ideas, and/or vocalized pauses (ah, um) occur frequently.

Connection ˜      Eye contact is well established and natural. Does not refer to written notes. Uses conversational style.

˜      Strong connection with the audience. Lively and meaningful interaction takes place.

˜      Eye contact is consistent. Refers to written notes only occasionally.

˜      Speaks to audience and has a clear connection with some meaningful interaction

˜      Eye contact is inconsistent, refers to written notes frequently, and/or

˜       has a weak connection to the audience with minimal pertinent interaction.

˜      Eye contact is hardly established, refers to notes constantly,

˜       lacks a connection with the audience, and/or no or inappropriate interaction takes place.

Timing ˜      Presentation completed in the allotted time. ˜      Presentation completed no more than 1 minute over allotted time. ˜      Presentation completed no more than 3 minutes over allotted time. ˜      Presentation was more than 5 minutes over or under the allotted time. X1
Professionalism ˜      Professionally dressed, polished appearance, with good posture and a confident but humble demeanor. ˜      Professionally dressed, well groomed, with good posture and a secure demeanor. ˜      Somewhat casually dressed, and/or posture and movement reflecting lack of confidence. ˜      Extremely casually or provocatively dressed, unkempt, and/or inappropriate body language. X1
Handout ˜      Well written, appealing, and interesting with proper grammar, and spelling.

˜      Excellent use of professional terminology and formatting.

˜      Well written, clear and easy to understand with proper grammar and spelling.

˜       Use of terminology consistent with university level expectations and the profession. Formatting adequate.

˜      Adequately written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors.

˜      Use of terminology sometimes not consistent with university or professional expectations, and/or poor formatting.

˜      Not well written, not pertinent, having many or major grammatical or spelling errors.

˜      Use of some inadequate or inappropriate terminology.

Overall Scoring /72 = %


Smoking Patterns and Risk in Glendale Discussion

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