SIM PATH 405: Service Learning and Reflection
SIM PATH 405: Service Learning and Reflection
Question Description
Activity 5
Service Learning and Reflection
Service learning integrates meaningful community service and reflection to enhance the learning experience.
Review the International Council of Nurses Position Statements and enter Sentinel City and Sentinel Town and explore all areas of the city and town. Select one ICN Position Statement and create a service-learning plan based upon need in a specific area. Reflect upon the nurse’s role in health promotion that incorporates the significance of service learning.
Tip: Students struggle with the terminology of “service learning”. Service learning is learning/educational activities that benefit others and the community. Such as health fairs, educational health announcements, wellness programs, health services, prevention education, etc. Service learning for this activity is learning activities for a population of people within the simulation of your choice that is paired with structured preparation from a nurse’s point of view.
- International Council of Nurses (ICN) website
Additional Instructions:
- All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
- Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
- Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
- Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
- Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Options:
Choose One: | Instructions: |
Paper |
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation |
Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation |
Video Presentation |
Table |
Graphs or other illustrations |
Poster |
Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements. Professional Values – Service Learning and Reflection
Description: The baccalaureate-graduate nurse integrates service learning and reflection to enhance the learning experience. QSEN Competency: 2) Teamwork and Collaboration BSN Essential VIII
Area Gold Mastery Silver Proficient Bronze Acceptable Acceptable Mastery not Demonstrated
Identifies an ICN Position Statement that is relevant to Sentinel City Identifies an ICN Position Statement that is not relevant to Sentinel City Identifies the title of an ICN Position Statement with no information Does not identify an ICN Position Statement
Demonstrates the significance of service learning in nursing by fully creating a plan Identifies the role of service learning in nursing and creates an outline of a plan Identifies the role of service learning in nursing but does not create a plan Does not identify the role of service learning in nursing
Fully demonstrates Identifies the role of service learning in nursing but does not use one of the ICN position statements to support position Identifies the role of service learning in nursing but does not create a plan Does not identify the role of nurses in health promotion services to the community
Fully relates personal experience with service learning in nursing practice Reflects upon the role of service learning in nursing practice Reflects upon the role of service learning in nursing practice but does not include personal experience Does not reflect upon the role of service learning in nursing practice
No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. One to three errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Four to six errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Seven or more errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.
Provides two or more references. Provides two references. Provides one references. Provides no references. |