Roberts Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model

Roberts Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model

Roberts Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Review the Assignment requirements and guidelines.
  • Select an example case from your local school system or one of the provided case studies.
  • Apply a theory or response model to the case study.


In a 2- to 3-page paper,

  1. Select one case study presented in the Learning Resources or select an example case from your local school system.
  2. Apply one theory or response model that a school counselor could have used or could currently use to address the crisis or trauma in the case study.
    • According to the lens of this theory or response model, how might a school counselor understand the challenging aspects of the crisis or trauma?
    • According to this theory or response model, what concepts (school policies, societal expectations, traditions, personal conceptualizations, etc.) or individuals (family, friends, school-community stakeholders, etc.) influence the student’s response to his or her trauma or crisis?
    • Explain at least three strategies that you would implement using the theory or model in which you selected. Justify your reasoning. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your points. Remember to use APA style.…

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