Resources Electronic Game Study Sheet

Resources Electronic Game Study Sheet

Resources Electronic Game Study Sheet

  • Click the link below to play “Quizardy,” an electronic game that quizzes you on Walden Library and Writing Center resources, scholarly writing, and the classroom components. Select the appropriate question for each answer provided on the game board. Continue playing the game until you have identified the correct question for every answer.


  • The purpose of this assignment is to check your familiarity with the Walden resources and expectations for graduate-level writing. Though your answers to questions on the Walden Resources Electronic Study Sheet may be brief, take the opportunity to begin practicing the skills of scholarly writing as applicable, particularly in your responses to the summary questions.

Assignment length: Approximately 3 pages

Walden Resources Electronic Game Study Sheet



Walden Library/Writing Center


  1. Name three databases in the Walden Library that provide resources specific to the field of education.



  1. What useful options (indicated by checkboxes) are provided in most research databases to help limit your search for scholarly journal articles?




  1. What is Google Scholar, and why would you use it?




  1. What services are available in the Walden Writing Center?




  1. What type of help can you get from the Writing Center Writing Specialist?




  1. What are three ways in which you can get help in using the Walden Library?




Scholarly Writing


  1. What should be included in a reference list?




  1. What is plagiarism?




  1. What is the correct format for in-text citations?




  1. What is the correct format for book references in APA style?




  1. When do you need to include a title page?




  1. What resources should you use to check your use of APA style?




Blackboard Classroom


  1. What is the best method for submitting a paper to your instructor?



  1. What types of information are available in the Gradebook once your instructor has graded and returned a paper?



  1. What is a rubric?



  1. What are appropriate strategies for posting to a Discussion board?



  1. Where should you access the Turnitin paper screening tool?



  1. How can you contact your Instructor?


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