RES 770 Week 3 Individual Assignment Test Item Worksheet

RES 770 Week 3 Individual Assignment Test Item Worksheet

RES 770 Week 3 Individual Assignment Test Item Worksheet

Resource: Ch. 10 & 11 of the Miller et al. text
 Locate a partner for this assignment.
 Imagine that you and your partner have been hired as industrial-organizational psychology consultants to develop a series of instruments for company use.
 Select one of the following instruments to develop for the client: 
• A survey to measure employees’ attitudes toward teamwork
• A multi-rater/360-degree instrument to measure individual employee demonstration of key leadership behaviors
• A knowledge test to assess job candidate knowledge of basic computer skills
• A training evaluation form to measure training participant reactions to a 1-day communication skills program
 Draft, in the following table, four items for the instrument you selected, using any survey or test item format in the Miller et al. text. Each item should be written at a different level of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
 Identify, in the following table, which descriptive statistics—specific measures of central tendency or variation—you could calculate for each item, given the item’s level of measurement.


Review your three draft concept papers, submitted in Week One.
 Select the two with the most potential as a doctoral dissertation study. The studies with the most potential do the following:
 Focus on addressing or solving a compelling and current research problem, issue, or observation in I-O psychology
• Contribute to knowledge in I-O psychology
• Are feasible
 Use the input from the Learning Team assignment this week.
 Update both concept papers to reflect any feedback received in RES/750 and any changes in the method and design based on your learning in this course. Include a strong rationale for the design appropriateness.
 Evaluate and update both concept papers using the following questions as a guide:
 Introduction: Is there an introduction to the topic? Does it set the context for the research study? Does the introduction end with a preview of the concept paper’s contents?
• Problem statement: Is the statement of the problem clearly and compellingly articulated, with evidence that the problem exists?
• Purpose statement: Is the study purpose clearly and concisely articulated? Have you clearly stated the method and design? Does the section include how achieving the purpose will provide the information and data necessary to help solve the problem? Are the variables and central phenomenon defined?
• Research questions: Are the research questions clear and researchable? Is information on how the research questions align with the specific problem or issue to be studied and the study purpose included? Are the research questions annotated per acceptable guidelines?
 Hypotheses: If a quantitative study, are the hypotheses testable and distinct? Are the null and alternative hypotheses associated with a research question? If there are no hypotheses, is there a clear rationale? Are the hypotheses annotated per acceptable guidelines?
• Research method and design appropriateness: Is the rationale for the chosen method and design clear? Is the rationale compelling? Are scholars who are experts with the chosen method and design cited as evidence?
 Is the concept paper written well? 
• Is the concept paper written using APA style?
 Post your updated concept papers for facilitator review.
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