RES 723 Week 1 Mock Study Topic and Research Plan
RES 723 Week 1 Mock Study Topic and Research Plan
Identify the topic and setting for a mock study which you will design and write up over the next 8 weeks.
Note. The topic and purpose must differ from your dissertation; however, the research design and instrument for the mock and dissertation studies could be the same.
Select an existing quantitative assessment instrument appropriate to the topic and the population.
Identify the research purpose.
Choose among the following major quantitative research designs— experimental, quasi-experimental, ex post facto, or descriptive correlational—that you will apply to this topic.
Justify the appropriateness of the research design to achieve your purpose.
Define, operationally, the mock study variables, including any demographic variables that would be measured.
Identify how each variable would be measured, the level of measurement, and the implications for selecting an inferential statistical technique.
Describe the type of descriptive statistics that would be appropriate for each variable and the rationale.Submit draft research questions—and hypotheses where appropriate—developed from your problem and purpose statements.
Note. The questions should be sufficiently complex and original so that the findings could contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field.
These drafts will be finalized for use in the Concept Paper Draft assignment due in Week Eight.
Revise your purpose statements drawing on feedback from your facilitator and peers. When you post the draft research questions and hypotheses, you must also include the revised problem and purpose statements so it is possible to clearly see the connection. These research questions must be based on the problem statements and purpose statements you developed in previous weeks.
Post your research questions—and hypotheses where appropriate—to your Learning Team forum for peer feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Be sure to review your fellow peer’s statements as well and provide constructive comments.