Quantitative Null Hypothesis Correlation Quiz Discussion

Quantitative Null Hypothesis Correlation Quiz Discussion

Quantitative Null Hypothesis Correlation Quiz Discussion

Please answer at least 5 out of 7 correctly on this multiple choice quiz

  1. A common convention in social science is to set the alpha level at .05 and to reject the null hypothesis if the observed significance level is less than the alpha level, p < .05. Which of the following is correct?
    a. If p = .041, do not reject the null hypothesis
    b. If p = .074, reject the null hypothesis
    c. If p = .000, reject the null hypothesis
    d. If p = .952, reject the null hypothesis

14.29 points 




  1. A Type I error is when you incorrectly reject the null hypothesis of no difference or no correlation in a population based on the results found in a sample. The alpha level controls the rate of Type I errors. If alpha is set at .05, which of the following is correct?
    a. The probability that there is no difference or no correlation in the population is 5%.
    b. The probability that there is a difference or correlation in the population is 5%.
    c. The probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis from the results of a sample, if the null hypothesis in the population is true, is 5%.
    d. The probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis from the results of a sample, if the null hypothesis in the population is true, is 5%.

14.285 points 


  1. A confidence interval is a range of population values estimated from the results of a sample. From a random sample of 100 graduate students at Walden, suppose you calculate the average age to be 37 plus or minus 11, which would make the lower limit of the confidence interval 26 (i.e., 37 – 11 = 26) and the upper limit 48 (i.e., 37 + 11 = 48). If this was a 95% confidence interval, which of the following is correct?
    a. There is a 5% probability that the true average age of Walden graduate students is between 26 and 48
    b. 95% of all Walden graduate students are between 26 and 48 years of age
    c. The true average age of Walden graduate students could be less than 26 or greater than 48
    d. A 99% confidence interval would be narrower, for example between 32 and 42

14.285 points 


  1. A 95% confidence interval of -1.34 to 2.56 was estimated from the sample data on the mean difference between males and females on statistics anxiety. Which of the following is a true statement?
    a. The mean difference between males and females is statistically significantly different at the .05 alpha level
    b. The mean difference between males and females is NOT statistically significantly different at the .05 alpha level
    c. 95% of all male and female scores on statistics anxiety were between -1.34 to 2.56
    d. The power of the study was 5%

14.285 points 


  1. Incorrectly accepting the null hypothesis of no difference or no correlation in a population based on the results found in a sample is… 
    a. a Type I error
    b. a Type II error
    c. a Type III error
    d. a Type IV error

14.285 points 


  1. Scenario:

    A purposive sample of psychology graduate students finishing up their dissertation at one online university (n = 80), one public brick-and-mortar university (n = 35), and one private brick-and-mortar university (n = 20) rated overall satisfaction with their dissertation chair using a scale of 0 (completely dissatisfied) to 100 (completely satisfied). Each university had 100 students finishing up their dissertation.

    The mean satisfaction ratings were: online = 87.5, public brick-and-mortar = 82.7, private brick-and-mortar = 90.3. The standard deviations were equal. Which of the following pairwise comparisons of mean ratings would have the largest effect size?
    a. Public versus private
    b. Public versus online
    c. Online versus private
    d. The effect size of each pairwise comparison would be equal

14.285 points 


  1. If an independent samples t test was conducted between any two of the three types of universities, which of the following would be most appropriate effect size?
    a. Multiple-R2
    b. Cohen’s w
    c. Cohen’s d
    d. Likelihood ratio


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