PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 1

PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 1

PSY 475 Week 1 DQ 1

If you were a researcher who wanted to investigate depression in older adults, what type of methodology would you use to gather your data? Why? Would it differ if you were examining a different population?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you summarize the major assumptions and fundamental questions associated with psychological testing.  Address the following in your paper:

Define the term test.
Describe the major categories of tests and identify the major uses and users of these tests.
Compare and contrast the concepts of reliability and validity and discuss how they affect the field of psychological testing
If you were a researcher who was developing a test, which one of the resources for psychological testing and measurements would you go to? Why?


Select in preparation for this assignment a psychological measure of depression, such as the Beck Depression Inventory or Children’s Depression Inventory.  Obtain faculty approval of your selected measure prior to beginning this assignment.   Individual portions due to the team forum by Friday.  Please make sure a team member will be compiling the project and submitting it to the assignments link.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze your selected psychological measure.  As a part of your analysis, address the following items:

Using the University Library, the Internet, or other sources, select at least two scholarly journal articles that discuss the use of your selected psychological measure.  Briefly summarize your selected articles, and compare and contrast their findings.

Based on the analysis of your articles, discuss the use of your selected measure.  Explain who is qualified to administer and interpret the measure and the settings—such as occupational, academic, or counseling—in which it would be appropriate to use the measure.

Differentiate between the populations for which your selected psychological measure is valid and invalid.

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