PSY 422 Research the 1976 Trial of Patricia Hearst Recent

PSY 422 Research the 1976 Trial of Patricia Hearst Recent

PSY 422 Research the 1976 Trial of Patricia Hearst Recent

You are an employee of the Jury Consultation Corporation. Imagine it is 1976, and Patricia Hearst has just been charged with armed robbery. You have been hired by the defense to assist in developing a strategy to help to acquit her.
Find answers to the following questions:
·         Research the 1976 trial of Patricia Hearst and briefly summarize the case against her.
·         What characteristics does Patricia Hearst possess that could possibly sway a jury in her favor? As a result, what characteristics should her defense attorney look for when selecting a jury?
·         What characteristics does Patricia Hearst possess that could sway a jury against her? As a result, what characteristics should the prosecuting attorney look for when selecting a jury?


·         What type of psychological expert should the defense hire? In other words, what area of psychology should the expert specialize in? Be specific and support your answer.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, to the client’s attorney explaining your answers to the above questions. Make sure that your report is something that an attorney could use to assist them in developing and trying a case.
Use headings, the bold style, and bulleted lists to effectively communicate your findings. You should include detailed speaker notes to assist in your presentation. Please make sure to have at least 10 slides for review. All citations in the report should be in APA 6th edition format.
In this Module we learned about the three types of multiple murders: Serial, mass or spree  murders. Choose one case of multiple murder (either serial, mass or spree). Research the case online (do not use Wikipedia as anything other than a jumping off point) and write a paper summarizing the case. Present this summary in the form of a 3-5 page paper which will be used as a supplemental reading in a class on criminal behavior.  In the paper:
·         Provide a detailed description of the case and the type of multiple murder it signifies. Use at least three sources beyond your online notes and assigned textbook.
·         Discuss the reasoning for the crime according to the offender (if available) or other sources
·         Analyze the case in light of at least two psychological theories that may explain or add to the understanding of the event or case
·         Draw a conclusion about the psychological causes of this crime.
Remember, this paper will be assigned as required reading for another class, so make sure that you appropriately define all of the psychological terms that you use as if you were writing for someone who does not have any background in the subject

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