PSY 405 Week 5 Personality Theory Analysis (2 Papers)

PSY 405 Week 5 Personality Theory Analysis (2 Papers)

PSY 405 Week 5 Personality Theory Analysis (2 Papers)

Select two of the following theoretical approaches: psychodynamic, humanistic and existential, dispositional, or learning.
Obtain faculty approval of your selection.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you compare and contrast the theories selected. Address the following:
 Describe the role of personality in affecting situational behavior.
 Examine the personality characteristics attributed to each theory in your approach.
 Explain the interpersonal relational aspects associated with the theories selected.
Include a reference page with a minimum of three to five peer-reviewed sources.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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Pick one learning theorist or cognitive theorist (Skinner, Bandura, Rotter, Mischel, Kelly)
Develop questions as if you were an interviewer, then answer the questions in a 900-1100 word paper.    REMEMBER, this is a personality class, so focus on personality.  (For example, I don’t just want to see a paper on Skinner; I want to see a paper on Skinner’s view of personality.
Here are questions you can use (but you don’t need to use these):
 What are the main points of your theory?
 What is an example of _____________ (main point)?
 How do you compare to ______________ (another theorist we have studied)?
 What is an example of _____________ (main point)?
 How do you compare to ______________ (another theorist we have studied)?
 What are the criticisms of your theory?
 WHat do you think are the strengths of the theory.
You can write like an article — use columns, graphics, first person, etc.  Other than the reference at the end, it doesn’t need to be APA.  Use your textbook as the primary source
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