PSY 360 Week 3 Quiz Recent

PSY 360 Week 3 Quiz Recent

PSY 360 Week 3 Quiz Recent

Question 1
The calling to mind of previously stored information is known as:
Question 2
Encoding occurs when:
Question 3
When we cannot retrieve information from memory, we say that _____ has occurred.
Question 4
Unattended information is stored briefly in:
Question 5
The central executive in working memory is hypothesized to have the function of:
Question 6
Words from the beginning of a list are more likely to be recalled than words from the middle of the list. This phenomenon is known as the _____ effect.


Question 7
One basic physiological mechanism for learning is the ____ rule, which states that if a synapse between two neurons is repeatedly activated at about the same time the postsynaptic neuron fires, the chemistry of the synapse changes.
Question 8
The term “anterograde amnesia” refers to:
Question 9
The _____ component of working memory is thought to be a temporary storage system that interacts with long-term memory and the other components of working memory to facilitate the transfer of information to long-term memory.
Question 10
Sensory memories exist for every sensory modality.
Question 11
Psychologists believe that the capacity of long-term memory is:
Question 12
The code in long-term memory is based on:
Question 13
Ebbinghaus’s forgetting curve demonstrates that:
Question 14
Proactive interference refers to the fact that:
Question 15
According to the retrieval cue explanation of interference, you are more likely to forget where you parked your car in a lot where:
Question 16
“Cramming” for exams tends to be ineffective because of the:
Question 17
Your memory of your first college lecture would be an example of:
Question 18
Studies of flashbulb memory indicate that:
Question 19
Studies of eyewitness memory:
Question 20
Using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott paradigm, researchers have shown that 80% of participants remember words on a list that were not actually included.
Question 21
In Reber’s studies of nonanalytic concept formation in which participants attempted to learn to categorize letter strings derived from complex “grammars,”
Question 22
The schema view of concept formation assumes that:
Question 23
You might have a “script” for:
Question 24
If information from a story is presented in scrambled order,
Question 25
“Apple,” “piano,” and “table” are examples of basic-level categories.
Question 26
Properties and facts are stored at the highest level possible, according to the principle of:
Question 27
Conrad has found evidence that the statement “A shark can move” can be verified in the same amount of time as “An animal can move.” These results suggest that reaction time is best predicted by:
Question 28
The word superiority effect is related to the idea of:
Question 29
ACT models distinguish among three types of memory systems:
Question 30
Which of the following is FALSE regarding a connectionist training “epoch”?
Individual Assignment: Language Paper
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine language as it relates to cognition. 
Address the following:
o Define language and lexicon.
o Evaluate the key features of language.
o Describe the four levels of language structure and processing. 
o Analyze the role of language processing in cognitive psychology.