PSY 325 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 Recent

PSY 325 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 Recent

PSY 325 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 Recent

When comparing data from different distributions, what is the benefit of transforming data from these distributions to conform to the standard distribution?

What role do z scores play in transforming data from multiple distributions to the standard normal distribution?

What is the relationship between z scores and percentages?

Give an example of a variable likely to be normally distributed in the population and explain how z scores pertaining to that variable would be useful in a real-life situation


PSY 325 Week 2 Quiz Set 1


1.         Question :        The table value z = .70 is .2580. The z = .70 value occurs at what equivalent percentile?

2.         Question :        Rejecting the null hypothesis is the same as saying _____________.

3.         Question :        If the z transformation is used with population data, M is replaced by what symbol?

4.         Question :        How does the standard normal distribution differs from other normal distributions?

5.         Question :        A one-sample t value is statistically significant in which situation?

6.         Question :        All standard scores have which characteristic in common?

7.         Question :        If x = 12, M = 10 and s = 2, z = _______.

8.         Question :        The distribution of sample means refers to _______________.

9.         Question :        A distribution where the mean and standard deviation have pre-determined values calls for ________.      

10.       Question :        If the mean of the distribution of sample means isn’t given, how is it determined?


PSY 325 Week 2 Quiz Set 2


Question :The table value z = .70 IS 2580. What percent of the population occurs below that point?

The z-test asks whether the population from which thesample was drawn has the same mean as the population to which it is compared  True.

Question 3

4. Based on past experience, the probability that the sun will rise tomorrow is?

5   Rejecting the null hypothesis is the same as saying?

6  How many standard deviations below is 3 if z= -1.75

7    Degrees of Freedom refers to

     How many values can vary

8   If instead of z = (x – M) / s the formula is x = z(s) + M, what is the result?

9    How does standard normal distribution differ from other normal distributions?.

10  What is the similarity between the z test and one sample t test?


PSY 325 Week 2 Quiz Set 3

Based on past experience, the probability that the sun will rise tomorrow is ________.

The standard error of the difference is a measure of pooled variance.

The z scores is a ratio of difference to variability (t).

How is the z-test different from z-score analysis?

What advantage does the one-sample t offer over the z-test?

 In a distribution for which the mean is 25 and the standard deviation is 5, what percentage of all scores occur at 30 or below?

Which is true of a one-tailed test?

The distribution upon which the z-test is based has a mean of 1.0.

In a distribution for which the mean is 25 and the standard deviation is 5, what percentage of all scores occur between 20 and 30?

The z-test asks whether the population from which the sample was drawn has the same mean as the population to which it is compared.

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