PSY 325 Week 2 DQ 1 Standard Normal Distribution Recent

PSY 325 Week 2 DQ 1 Standard Normal Distribution Recent

PSY 325 Week 2 DQ 1 Standard Normal Distribution Recent

Standard Normal Distribution. For this discussion, identify the appropriate application of standardized scores to reflect on their benefits and to interpret how test scores and measures are commonly presented.

Review Chapter 3 of your course text, which introduces probability and the standard normal distribution. Examine the assumptions and limitations presented in these topics and then consider and discuss the following questions:


• This is an easy to understand video that takes you step-by-step through the basic hypothesis testing process. It is helpful for learning what a p-value is and how statistical significance works.

•   When comparing data from different distributions, what is the benefit of transforming data from these distributions to conform to the standard distribution?
•   What role do z-scores play in this transformation of data from multiple distributions to the standard normal distribution?
•   What is the relationship between z-scores and percentages?
•   In your opinion, does one do a better job of representing the proportion of the area under the standard
curve? Give an example that illustrates your answer. 

PSY 325 Week 2 Quiz Set 1


1.         Question :        The table value z = .70 is .2580. The z = .70 value occurs at what equivalent percentile?

2.         Question :        Rejecting the null hypothesis is the same as saying _____________.

3.         Question :        If the z transformation is used with population data, M is replaced by what symbol?

4.         Question :        How does the standard normal distribution differs from other normal distributions?

5.         Question :        A one-sample t value is statistically significant in which situation?

6.         Question :        All standard scores have which characteristic in common?

7.         Question :        If x = 12, M = 10 and s = 2, z = _______.

8.         Question :        The distribution of sample means refers to _______________.

9.         Question :        A distribution where the mean and standard deviation have pre-determined values calls for ________.      

10.       Question :        If the mean of the distribution of sample means isn’t given, how is it determined?


PSY 325 Week 2 Quiz Set 2


Question :The table value z = .70 IS 2580. What percent of the population occurs below that point?

The z-test asks whether the population from which thesample was drawn has the same mean as the population to which it is compared  True.

Question 3

4. Based on past experience, the probability that the sun will rise tomorrow is?

5   Rejecting the null hypothesis is the same as saying?

6  How many standard deviations below is 3 if z= -1.75

7    Degrees of Freedom refers to

     How many values can vary

8   If instead of z = (x – M) / s the formula is x = z(s) + M, what is the result?

9    How does standard normal distribution differ from other normal distributions?.

10  What is the similarity between the z test and one sample t test?


PSY 325 Week 2 Quiz Set 3

Based on past experience, the probability that the sun will rise tomorrow is ________.

The standard error of the difference is a measure of pooled variance.

The z scores is a ratio of difference to variability (t).

How is the z-test different from z-score analysis?

What advantage does the one-sample t offer over the z-test?

 In a distribution for which the mean is 25 and the standard deviation is 5, what percentage of all scores occur at 30 or below?

Which is true of a one-tailed test?

The distribution upon which the z-test is based has a mean of 1.0.

In a distribution for which the mean is 25 and the standard deviation is 5, what percentage of all scores occur between 20 and 30?

The z-test asks whether the population from which the sample was drawn has the same mean as the population to which it is compared.

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