PSY 308 Module 4 Assignment 2 Developmental Disorders

PSY 308 Module 4 Assignment 2 Developmental Disorders

PSY 308 Module 4 Assignment 2 Developmental Disorders

You have learned that the conceptualization of autism spectrum disorders as diagnoses has evolved, with the current DSM conceptualizing one neurological disorder with common characteristics, which are presented on a wide continuum, rather than separate disorders such as Asperger’s disorder or autistic disorder.

You may use the link provided or locate the video in the AUO library.  Use this web address if the link does not work. (Please copy and paste into your browser)



Select one of the above vignettes and analyze it in the following manner:

  • Identify and describe two possible behavioral disorders one might consider as DSM diagnoses. Make sure you support those choices with specific symptoms observed in the vignettes.
  • Compare and contrast the two diagnoses and select one that you consider as the most appropriate DSMdiagnosis. Explain why one is more likely than the other.
  • After reviewing recent research studies, readings in your textbook, and other academic sources, provide a thorough description of the following: 
  • The symptoms required for a diagnosis of that disorder
  • At least two possible causes of that disorder, incorporating at least one developmental factor and at least one multicultural factor that may be involved in the cause(s) of the disorder 
  • At least three of the most effective treatments available for that disorder
  • At least one controversy, cultural bias, or ethical issue related to treatments available for that disorder
  • At least one controversy, cultural bias, or ethical issue related to the practice of diagnosis or “labeling” children, in general

Write an 8–10-page paper in Word format. Add an APA style title page and references page and cite your sources according to current APA standards. Cite information from at least two academic sources to support your ideas. These may include your textbook, and/or peer-reviewed research articles from the AUO library.

Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

·         Describe the symptoms or characteristics of autism spectrum disorder you saw illustrated in the video that you learned about in your readings.

·         You have learned that autism is a spectrum disorder, with some children functioning at the lower end, requiring a lot of support, and others at the higher end, needing minimal support.

Describe strengths and challenges that were noted for the children in the video?

·         Explain why it is important for a clinician to evaluate strengths and challenges in order to work with children, families, and educators.

·         Drawing on your readings, the video, and any other peer-reviewed sources you find relevant, explain whether research supports separate disorders (e.g., Asperger’s disorder, autistic disorder) or one disorder with a continuum of severity.

Write a paper that is a minimum of 3 pages, not including a cover page and reference list. Format your paper using APA standards, to citation of sources, including in-text citations and full references. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

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