PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 1 Brian’s Case

PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 1 Brian’s Case

PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 1 Brian’s Case

Children have been thought not to suffer from mental and emotional disorders. Studies have indicated that children do suffer from illnesses such as learning and conduct disorders, substance abuse. Conditions such as autism, depression, and suicide are common in our youth population.

Analyze the case study listed below.

Discuss what factors should be considered when diagnosing this case as required by each axis of the DSM-IV-TR. What is your treatment recommendation for the case? What medication is typically used to treat this diagnosis? Brian’s parents would like to use natural remedies first before medication. Provide two recommendations to them that meet these criteria.


For this discussion, you can write about a sexual disorder or a cognitive disorder.

Select one of the following options:

Option A: Paraphilia is a condition involving sex fetishes where sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about, and engaging in, sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme.  Describe the symptoms of three different forms of paraphilia.  What do all paraphilias have in common?  Based on research, why do researchers suggest one’s gender and/or culture may influence this disorder?

Option B: Dementia and amnesia are among the cognitive disorders discussed in this week’s reading.  Select one disorder and describe the clinical features, causal factors, classification and treatment options.  Develop a short case (not covered in the course reading) of an individual with your selected cognitive disorder to illustrate your point.

Support your argument with at least one scholarly source outside of the text.

Synthesizing the Week’s Controversy. Throughout this course, your instructor has summarized each discussion forum conversation and provided you with lingering questions and/or considerations. Now, it is your turn to do this and to go a step further.

By Day 7 of this week, write a brief 100-word journal entry summarizing the conversation in “The Role of Big Pharma” discussion forum. Offer and reflect on any conclusions that the class came to regarding the discussion forum topic. What were the conclusions, and what are your thoughts regarding these? If you do not see that the class came to any significant conclusions, what kept conclusions from being drawn in the discussion? What lingering questions remain to be answered, and how might they be answered? What other issues regarding this controversy need to be considered? Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtful entry.

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