PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 1 Schizophrenia

PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 1 Schizophrenia

PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 1 Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex brain disorder.  It can affect the ability to think clearly, manage feelings, make decisions, and relate to other people.

Discuss two of the causative factors of schizophrenia.  Examine the success of one treatment approach for this disorder.  Utilize at least one peer-reviewed article that was published within the last five years and cited according to APA guidelines to support your answer.


For this discussion, select one of the following options:

Option A: People with antisocial personality disorder typically have no regard for right and wrong. 

They may often violate the law and the rights of others.  They will lie, behave violently, and have abused drugs and alcohol. In your own words, describe the basic features of antisocial personality disorder.  Explain why psychotherapy with this population is so likely to fail.  Develop a short case (not covered in the course reading) of an individual with antisocial personality disorder to illustrate your point.

Option B: The prevalence of sleep and eating disorders has increased in recent years.  

Select one sleep or eating disorder to target for this discussion.  In your own words, describe the precipitating factors, defining features, and treatment options.  Develop a short case (not covered in the course reading) of an individual with your selected sleep or eating disorder to illustrate your point.

The Subjectivity and Art of Diagnosis. Although psychology prides itself on being a science, the art of diagnosis goes beyond a simple checklist of symptoms. Clinicians generally recognize that any diagnostic exercise must include a culturally sensitive interpretation and analysis of symptoms.

This week’s discussion touched on how an individual’s culture may influence the presentation of symptoms and syndromes. Keeping the discussion in mind, consider the importance and impact of a patient’s cultural background when making a diagnosis.

In this 250- to 500-word journal entry, begin by choosing one symptom or syndrome covered in the Wen-Ching (2006) article that resonated with you. Using the resources in the Ashford University Library, find at least one case study on the symptom or syndrome and briefly describe it for the reader. Google Scholar is not an acceptable resource for this journal. Explain clearly why you chose to comment on this symptom or syndrome instead of other options. If the symptom or syndrome appears to be similar to a condition found in the DSM-5, compare and contrast what is found in the DSM-5 with what is discussed in the Wen-Ching article.

Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtful entry.

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