PSY 275 Week 5 Disorder of Interest Paper

PSY 275 Week 5 Disorder of Interest Paper

PSY 275 Week 5 Disorder of Interest Paper

Disorder of Interest Paper PSY 275 Choose a disorder of interest discussed in this course. Write a 1,200- to 1,500-word paper on the chosen disorder, describing the following:

• The behaviors associated with the disorder

• The range of impairment for this disorder

• The implications of this disorder on society

 • Possible treatment options for the disorder Include a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed sources. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.(***** PSY 275 Literature Review , APA Format + References *****) Resource: Sample Annotated Bibliography Choose a disorder of childhood or adolescence. Conduct a literature review on the chosen disorder. Create an annotated bibliography. Include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


1. Which of the following is not a known cause of childhood anxiety?

a. Overprotective parents

b. Parents avoid or reject the child

c. Parental anxiety

d. Too many friends   


2. Which of the following is the most common treatment for childhood anxiety disorders?

a. Gestalt Therapy

b, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

c. Existential Therapy

d. Family Systems Therapy


3. Which of the following is not a documented potential cause of conduct disorder?

a. Genetics

b. Poverty

c. Inadequate parenting

d. Depressed mood


It has been proposed that ADHD is caused by _________.


4. Dopamine abnormalities in the brain

a. Maternal substance abuse

b. Ritalin

c, Anxiety


5. Which of the following is a concern with the medications that are currently used to treat ADHD?

a. They are not effective.

b. The findings of drug effectiveness studies may not be applicable to some minority groups.

c, Not enough children are being medicated.

d. They lead to a stigma for the child.


6. Which of the following is a symptom for Autism Spectrum Disorder?

a. Deficits in social communication and interaction.

b. Easily develop and maintain relationships.

c. Poor attention to tasks.

d. Impulsivity.


7. When treating Autism Spectrum Disorder, clinicians may choose to combine _____________ with behavioral therapies and different methods of training.

a. A specific diet plan

b. An exercise regimen

c. Play therapy

d.Psychotropic medications and specific vitamins


8. Which of the following is not considered to be a behavioral symptom of oppositional defiant disorder?

a. Argumentative

b. Defiant

c. Irritable

d. Impulsive


9. Oppositional defiant disorder is ________common in boys than girls before puberty.

a. More

b. Less

c. Just as

d. Twice as


10. Previous research has stated that there was a relationship between vaccines and the development of autism spectrum disorder. Recent research has now found that ________________.

a. The original study was correct and the MMR vaccine causes autism.

b. The original study was methodologically flawed and failed to demonstrate any relationship between the two.

c. The original study was referring to multiple vaccines.

d. The original study has been supported by later research.

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