PSY 230 Week 4 CheckPoint The Clusters

PSY 230 Week 4 CheckPoint The Clusters

PSY 230 Week 4 CheckPoint The Clusters

CheckPoint: The Clusters

Resource:The Person
Select three of the five clusters.
Explain, in 200 to 300 words where you think you fall within the spectrum of each. Of the five clusters, where do you think your personality fits overall? 


CheckPoint: My Experience

Think about an experience, positive or negative, that has affected the course of your life.
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: Do you think this event changed your personality? If it has changed your personality, how has your personality been changed? If the event has not changed your personality, why not? How much of your personality do you think has been determined by environmental influence vs. genetic influence?

Week 5 DQ 1

What is the difference between absolute continuity and differential continuity? Do an individual’s experiences impact differential continuity? Provide specific examples.

Week 5 DQ 2

How do traits change over time? How do traits stay the same from infancy through adulthood? How do traits change over time?Assignment: Motivation Evaluation

Select a famous person in the media or in history and think about a choice the person has made.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper profiling this person and explain how each of the three views of motivation—psychoanalytic, humanistic, and diversity—may help understand his or her reasoning and choice.

Include a summary of the concepts and terms from Henry Murray’s theory of needs.

Format your paper according to APA standards.Assignment: Motivation Evaluation

Select a famous person in the media or in history and think about a choice the person has made.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper profiling this person and explain how each of the three views of motivation—psychoanalytic, humanistic, and diversity—may help understand his or her reasoning and choice.

Include a summary of the concepts and terms from Henry Murray’s theory of needs.

Format your paper according to APA standards.

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