PSY 211 Week 1 Knowledge Check Recent

PSY 211 Week 1 Knowledge Check Recent

PSY 211 Week 1 Knowledge Check Recent

1.         Parker is majoring in behavioral biology which examines the impact of our physiology on

what we do. His friend thinks that behavioral biology is just copying psychology. Which

correct statement could Parker use to answer his friend’s assumption?

A. Psychology has roots in biology.

B. Only in the last few years has the field of biology started

to examine behavior.

C. There is no link between behavior and biology.

D. The study of biology and psychology have never shared

issues of study

2.The study of psychology is influenced by the study of biology. For example, naturalist

Charles Darwin heavily influenced which classic school of thought in psychology?

A. Functionalism


B. Structuralism

C. Psychoanalytic

D. Behavioral

3.Which of the following is the best reason that psychology should be seen as a science?

A. It focuses on important human questions.

B. It studies observable phenomena.

C. It uses the mind to study itself.

D. t uses the scientific method.

4.Sam was comparing different sciences and noticed something unique about psychology

when compared to the natural sciences. Which of the following might he have noticed?

A. Psychologists implement the scientific method much

more frequently than most other fields.

B. Psychologists focus on studying human health and its


C. Psychologists often use the subject of investigations to

perform the investigation itself.

D. Psychologist struggle with limitations of prediction while

trying to understand behaviors.

5.Danelle loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A functionalist would focus on which

aspect of Danelle’s appreciation?

A. The components of his experience.

B. The reasons he might like the sandwich.

C. The unconscious motivations.

D. The serotonin ingredients found in the sandwich.

6.Van is raving about how much he loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A

psychoanalytic psychologist would focus on which aspect of Van’s appreciation?

A. The components of his experience.

B. The reasons he might like the sandwich.

C. The unconscious motivations.

D. The serotonin ingredients found in the sandwich.

7.Theo thought that the reason that many dogs spin before they sit down is to be sure they

aren’t sitting on anything harmful. He suggests this increases their chance of survival.

Theo’s assumption forms the basis of what contemporary perspective of psychology?

A. Psychoanalytic

B. Evolutionary

C. Positive psychology

D. Humanism

8.Jane Goodall’s studies of chimpanzees in the wild best fit in the descriptive research

category of ______.

A. naturalistic observation

B. survey

C. case study

D. experiment

9.In one study, a girl who had been severely neglected was tested for her language ability.

The best description of this method is ______.

A. naturalistic observation

B. survey

C. case study

D. experiment

10.Francine completed a questionnaire asking about her texting experiences. This method is

called ______.

A. naturalistic observation

B. survey

C. case study

D. experiment

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