PSY 203 Week 3 Developmental Stages Brochure

PSY 203 Week 3 Developmental Stages Brochure

PSY 203 Week 3 Developmental Stages Brochure

PSY 203 Week 3 Developmental Stages Brochure

Choose one of the following developmental stage:

§  Infancy and childhood

§  Adolescence

§  Early and middle adulthood

§  Late adulthood

Develop a 6-panel brochure describing the physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and moral stages of development experienced within your assigned life stage.

Note: Some areas may not be applicable, based on the life stage.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 3 Review Worksheet

Multiple Choice

Highlight the correct answer.

Angelica wants to win the beauty contest because she wants the trophy and the recognition. She is ______________ motivated.


Maslow believed that all human beings strive to become

great people
goal oriented
achievement oriented

_____________________ theory postulates that bodily reactions occur before the emotions and _____________________ theory postulates that both the bodily reactions and emotions occur at the same time.

Cannon–Bard theory; James–Lange theory
James–Lange theory; Two factor theory
James–Lange theory; Cannon–Bard theory
Emotional intelligence; Dual Pathway Model of Fear

______________________ is the ability to manage emotions effectively in a variety of situations.

Emotional intelligence
Emotional resilience
Emotional stability
Mental toughness

___________________ believed that the process in which we handle specific psychosocial crises shapes our personality development throughout the lifespan.

Sigmund Freud
Erik Erickson
Jean Piaget
Albert Bandura

Children tend to view the world based on their personal perspectives. The term for this is

ego identity

_____________ developed his theories on human development by observing his own children interact with the world.

Jean Piaget
Albert Bandera
Erik Erikson
Lev Vygotsky

______________ theorized that children learn through the process of interacting with different types of people in their culture and daily lives.

Jean Piaget
Albert Bandera
Erik Erikson
Lev Vygotsky

Erikson believed one of the biggest challenges people face in late adulthood is their ability to maintain their ______________ as they approach the end of their life.

sense of self
ego identity
ego integrity


According to Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, what is the life crisis stage when people develop close relations with others?

Identity versus role diffusion
Intimacy versus isolation
Generativity versus stagnation
Integrity versus despair

Fill in the Blank

_______________ A state of deprivation or deficiency

_______________ A state of bodily tension, such as hunger or thirst

_______________ Rewards or other stimuli that motivate us to do something

_______________ The motive or desire to become successful

_______________ The desire to earn wealth or respect of others

_______________ Achieving self-satisfaction by completing a particular goal

_______________ Feeling states that psychologist view as having cognitive, physiological, and behavioral components

_______________ The belief that emotions occur after people become aware of the physiological responses to the triggering stimuli

________________ The belief that emotional and physiological responses occur simultaneously

________________ A mental framework for understanding or acting on the environment

________________ The process of adjustment that enables people to function more effectively in meeting the demands they face in the environment

________________ The process of incorporating new objects or situations into existing schemas

________________ The process of creating new schemas or modify existing ones to account for new objects and experiences

________________ The recognition that objects continue to exist even if they disappear from view

________________ The tendency to see the world from one’s own perspective

________________ The attainment of a psychological sense of knowing oneself and one’s direction in life

________________ A stressful period of self-evaluation on issues relating to personal values and one’s direction in life

________________ Theorist focused on the social relationships that humans have throughout their life

________________ Theorist who developed his theories on human
development by observing his own children interact with the world

________________ Theorist who developed a stage theory on how moral decision making changes throughout the lifespan.

Short Answer

Outline the theories of motivation from the text.

How do the theories of emotion differ from one another?

Outline the main components of each theory of development.

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