PSY 105 Week 6 quiz Recent

PSY 105 Week 6 quiz Recent

PSY 105 Week 6 quiz Recent

This quiz consist of 10 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapter 7. Be sure you are in Chapter 7 when you take the quiz.
  • Question 1


  For the majority of women, menopause
  • Question 2


  Factors in the environment that can harm the developing fetus and interfere with normal patterns of growth are called
  • Question 3


  In his studies of monkeys raised with artificial mothers, Harlow found that monkeys demonstrated an attachment to
  • Question 4


  According to Kubler-Ross, the order or sequence that patients face when they are told that they have a terminal illness that eventually results in their death is
  • Question 5


  Erikson’s first stage occurs during the first year of life where others must satisfy a baby’s needs. This stage centers around
  • Question 6


  The term attachment refers to
  • Question 7


  In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, children in the sensorimotor stage
  • Question 8


  When compared to young adults, older persons’ long-term memory is
  • Question 9


  The visual cliff apparatus is used to study
  • Question 10


  At Kohlberg’s preconventional level of moral understanding, what determines whether a particular action is viewed to be moral?
  • Question 1


A form of therapy developed by Carl Rogers is
  • Question 2


One of the big five factors of personality is defined along a dimension ranging from well-organized, careful, self-disciplined, responsible, and scrupulous at one end through disorganized, careless, weak-willed, and unscrupulous at the other. This factor is called
  • Question 3


Desire is to reason is to conscience as
  • Question 4


A neo-Freudian is a psychologist who holds a theory of personality that
  • Question 5


Pleasure principle is to reality principle as
  • Question 6


In Maslow’s theory of personality, a self-actualized person is one who
  • Question 7


The definition of the term personality includes
  • Question 8


According to Alfred Adler, the major force that drives a person’s personality is
  • Question 9


Until you read this question, you were probably not aware of the name of your state capital, but once it is mentioned you can think of it fairly easily. This would be part of your
  • Question 10


An individual with an IQ score of __________ is considered to be of average intelligence.
  • Question 11


According to Freud, adult personality is determined by what happens during
  • Question 12


Learning approaches to personality account for the uniqueness of personality by observing that
  • Question 13


According to most humanistic theorists, psychological problems are largely due to