PSY 105 Quiz 9 (1) Recent

PSY 105 Quiz 9 (1) Recent

PSY 105 Quiz 9 (1) Recent

  • Question 1


  According to Freud, mental disorders stem from conflicts between
  • Question 2


  Drugs that are prescribed for the purpose of treating schizophrenia are called
  • Question 3


  Having children who show high levels of aggressive behavior watch films of children behaving in a nonaggressive manner is an attempt to change their behavior through
  • Question 4


  A type of therapy that involves several people all meeting together to receive psychological help is called
  • Question 5


  With regard to the relative effectiveness of various types of psychotherapy, research has generally determined that
  • Question 6


  Which of the following is most often associated with client-centered therapy?
  • Question 7


  A form of biological therapy in which electrodes are placed on a person’s temples and strong electric shocks are then delivered to the brain.
  • Question 8


  The defense mechanism of rationalization involves
  • Question 9


  A defense mechanism that channels unacceptable impulses into a socially acceptable action is called
  • Question 10


  Recent findings (Hooley, 2004) indicate that patients who return to families with high levels of expressed emotion are __________ times as likely to suffer relapses than families where expressed emotion levels are low.
  • Question 1


Ralph’s performance won a prize in a music competition. According to the self-serving bias, what reason is Ralph most likely to give?
  • Question 2


The process of attribution would apply most directly to which of these questions?
  • Question 3


Suppose you have just said you like a certain brand of breakfast cereal, but you really hate it. According to cognitive dissonance theory, in which of these situations should produce the least change in your attitude toward the cereal?
  • Question 4


Which of the following speakers is most likely to change the attitudes of members of an audience?
  • Question 5


Lisa expected to get a grade of C on her exam, but received a grade of A. Ralph was sitting next to Lisa and just happened to ask her out for a date after she had received her grade. Lisa responded by
  • Question 6


Advertisements that are designed to sell by having a “star” endorse the products are using the __________ route to persuasion.
  • Question 7


You don’t put much faith in the movie reviews in the paper, but when everyone you talk to agrees that a new movie is terrific you decide to see it. The factor that convinced you is
  • Question 8


If you claim to believe in something, but your actions contradict this belief, it is referred to as
  • Question 9


Lasting evaluations of various aspects of the social world are called
  • Question 10


Cognitive rules-of-thumb we create for making judgments or decisions very quickly are called
  • Question 11


The correspondence bias is the tendency to explain the behavior of others in terms of __________ causes.
  • Question 12


A type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behavior in order to adhere to existing social norms is known as
  • Question 13


An effort to increase your appeal to a target person before you ask that person to grant a request is called
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