PSY 104 Week 2 DQ 2 Research Findings

PSY 104 Week 2 DQ 2 Research Findings

PSY 104 Week 2 DQ 2 Research Findings

Based upon your readings from the course materials and your own independent research, discuss three research findings related to development from conception to 2 years of age. Relate these findings to any topic in Chapter 2’s reading.

These topics include culture influences on nutrition, genetic factors affecting mental health, and the birthing process.


Review the article, When children have children to learn about the effects teen pregnancy has on the teenage mother and her family as well as possible risks to the developing baby.   Imagine you are putting together a training tool about the effects of pregnancy, geared towards educating teenage girls. 

You have two options when completing this discussion.  

Option A:  Create a 1 page visually appealing training tool using Glogster.  For help using Glogster, follow these instructions.

Option B:  Write a 200-250 word article that could be printed in a magazine for teen girls.

PSY 104 Week 3 Assignment Community Child Development Center Proposal  Jean Piaget’s and Lev Vygotsky’s Theory

PSY 104 Week 3 Assignment Community Child Development Center Proposal  Jean Piaget’s and Lev Vygotsky’s Theory

For the Week Three written assignment you will be submitting an outline with a thesis statement as well as an annotated bibliography in order to prepare you to write the final paper for this course. 

After deciding upon the three developmental theories you will compare and contrast for the final paper in Week 5, locate research that has been conducted on those developmental theories. You will find research and empirical articles located in the online library.  You must click on scholarly, peer-reviewed when searching for your articles.  The articles are to be direct reports of research conducted by the authors. The articles are not to be literature reviews, editorials, or book reviews.

You are to have a minimum of six sources in addition to any use of the textbook. At least five of the sources are to be scholarly, peer-reviewed empirical research articles from which reports of research for evidence-based information can be obtained.

After you have determined your topic and located your resources, you will be creating an outline.  Be sure your outline is written in APA outline form. To see an example of this, please visit the Ashford Writing Center in the left-hand navigation tab.  Your outline must include:

•   A thesis statement that provides the main topic of your paper

•   Three pieces of evidence that support your thesis

•   A concluding statement

At the end of the outline, create an annotated bibliography.  An annotated bibliography for this assignment is one that is in APA format and is followed by a brief description of how the resource is relevant to the topic of your paper.  Please visit the Ashford Writing Center for a sample annotated bibliography.

Please submit your outline with thesis statement and annotated bibliography of six scholarly sources for this week’s assignment.

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