PSY 104 Week 2 DQ 1 Developmental Milestones
PSY 104 Week 2 DQ 1 Developmental Milestones
Watch each required video,Child Develoment MilestonesandHow I Learn. Relate the developmental milestones in the videos to your reading in the textbook. Assess critical periods in the cognitive and psychosocial development of children from birth to 3 years of age. If a parent of a 2-year old child asked you what to do because the child was not speaking in sentences like their older sibling did, what advice would you give the parent? Why would you give this specific advice? What other explanations might be given in this situation and why would you choose to not provide those to the parent?
Based upon your readings from the course materials and your own independent research, discuss three research findings related to development from conception to 2 years of age. Relate these findings to any topic in Chapter 2’s reading.
These topics include culture influences on nutrition, genetic factors affecting mental health, and the birthing process.
Review the article, When children have children to learn about the effects teen pregnancy has on the teenage mother and her family as well as possible risks to the developing baby. Imagine you are putting together a training tool about the effects of pregnancy, geared towards educating teenage girls.
You have two options when completing this discussion.
Option A: Create a 1 page visually appealing training tool using Glogster. For help using Glogster, follow these instructions.
Option B: Write a 200-250 word article that could be printed in a magazine for teen girls.
PSY 104 Week 3 Assignment Community Child Development Center Proposal Jean Piaget’s and Lev Vygotsky’s Theory
Based upon your readings from the course materials and your own independent research, discuss three research findings related to development from conception to 2 years of age. Relate these findings to any topic in Chapter 2’s reading.
These topics include culture influences on nutrition, genetic factors affecting mental health, and the birthing process.