Project Performance Measurement Paper

Project Performance Measurement Paper

Project Performance Measurement Paper


Short Answer Submission Form

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This Competency includes a Short-Answer Response Assessment. Write your response to each prompt below in the space provided. The Rubric, which will be used by the Competency Assessor to evaluate your responses, is beneath the prompts. Carefully review the Rubric rows associated with each prompt to provide a complete response.


When writing your response, begin typing where it reads “Enter Your Response Here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements of the prompt (as defined in the Rubric). Be sure to support your responses with connections to professional sources.


Your Assessment responses require references (in APA style) to support your thinking. You will list your references at the end of this template where “References” are noted. If you need additional information regarding how to correctly cite, and/or reference sources, please visit the Walden Writing Center at


To learn more about effective paraphrasing strategies, visit the Walden Writing Center at







Review the following example item and response for a sample that meets expectations.


Sample Prompt:


Prompt 1


Sunk Cost, Opportunity Cost, and Accounting Cost

Describe sunk cost, opportunity cost, and accounting cost, and give examples of each. What role does each play in decision-making? (3–4 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here.




Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Describe sunk cost, opportunity cost, and accounting cost.
Learning Objective 1.1: Describe sunk cost. Description of sunk cost is missing. Description of sunk cost is inaccurate or incomplete. Description of sunk cost is accurate. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Examples of sunk costs are included.

Learning Objective 1.2: Describe opportunity cost. Description of opportunity cost is missing. Description of opportunity cost is inaccurate or incomplete. Description of opportunity cost is accurate. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Examples of opportunity costs are included.

Learning Objective 1.3: Describe accounting cost. Description of accounting cost is missing. Description of accounting cost is inaccurate or incomplete. Description of accounting cost is accurate. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Examples of accounting costs are included.

Learning Objective 1.4: Explain the role that sunk cost, opportunity cost, and accounting cost play in decision making. Explanation for the role that sunk cost, opportunity cost, and accounting cost play in decision making is missing. Explanation does not accurately show how sunk cost, opportunity cost, and/or accounting cost factor into decision making. Explanation accurately shows how sunk cost, opportunity cost, and accounting cost factor into decision making. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes examples of how each cost is used to make decisions in actual companies.


Prompt 2

The Impact of the Balanced Scorecard on Financial Performance

The balanced scorecard is a strategic-based performance management system. How does the balanced scorecard communicate strategy to an organization? Identify and describe the four quadrants on the balanced scorecard. How are the four quadrants related? What is their impact on financial performance? (2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 2: Recognize the impact of the balanced scorecard (four quadrants) on financial performance.
Learning Objective 2.1: Explain how the balanced scorecard communicates strategy to an organization. Explanation of how the balanced scorecard communicates strategy to an organization is missing. Explanation of how the balanced scorecard communicates strategy to an organization is inaccurate. Explanation of how the balanced scorecard communicates strategy to an organization is accurate. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

One or more examples are given of how the balanced scorecard has been implemented.

Learning Objective 2.2: Identify and describe the four quadrants on the balanced scorecard and how the four quadrants related. Description of the four quadrants on the balanced scorecard and how the four quadrants related are missing. Description of the four quadrants of the balanced scorecard and how they are related is inaccurate. Description of the four quadrants of the balanced scorecard and how they are related is accurate. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Examples of each quadrant are included.



Prompt 3

Forecasting, Strategic Planning, and Budgeting

Explain the concepts of forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting. Indicate how they are related and the key differences, if any, between them. (3–4 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here.




Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 3: Explain the difference between forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting.
Learning Objective 3.1: Explain the difference between forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting. Explanation of the difference between forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting is missing. Explanation of the difference between forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting is inaccurate.


Explanation of the difference between forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting is accurate.


Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Examples of forecasting, strategic planning, and budgeting are given.




Prompt 4

The Triple Bottom Line

Define the triple bottom line and give examples of each of the “three Ps.” (2–3 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here.




Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 4: Define the triple bottom line.
Learning Objective 4.1: Define the triple bottom line. Description of the triple bottom line is missing. Definition of The triple bottom line is inaccurate.


Definition of the triple bottom line is accurate.


Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Examples of each of the bottom lines are given.


Project Performance Measurement Paper

Prompt 5

Unethical Accounting Practices and Their Impact

Read the following articles:

  • The Anatomy of Corporate Fraud: A Comparative Analysis of High Profile American and European Corporate Scandals (Soltani)
  • Managerial Fraud and Corporate Governance in American Corporations (Mukweyi)

Respond to the following questions (1 paragraph per question):

  • What is fraud and why do employees commit fraud?
  • What are the causes of corporate financial scandals?
  • What is corporate governance?
  • What is managerial or executive fraud and why do executives commit fraud?
  • What kinds of things should owners and directors do to protect all stakeholders?

Your Response

Enter your response here.




Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 5: Identify unethical accounting practices and their impact on stakeholders and organizations.
Learning Objective 5.1: Identify unethical accounting practices. Identification of unethical accounting practices is missing. Identification of the unethical accounting practices is inaccurate or incomplete. Identification accurately lists unethical accounting practices. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Examples are given involving high-profile cases.

Learning Objective 5.2: Identify the causes of corporate financial scandals. Causes of corporate financial scandals are missing. The causes of corporate financial scandals are inaccurate or incomplete. The causes of corporate financial scandals are accurately given. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response refers to specific instances mentioned in the article to support assertions.

Learning Objective 5.3: Explain corporate governance. Explanation of corporate governance is missing. Explanation inaccurately defines corporate governance. Explanation accurately defines corporate governance. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes examples of a company’s corporate governance policies.

Learning Objective 5.4: Explain managerial or executive fraud and the reasons why executives commit fraud. Explanation of managerial or executive fraud and the reasons why executives commit fraud is missing. Explanation inaccurately defines managerial or executive fraud and/or gives inaccurate reasons why executives commit fraud. Explanation accurately defines managerial or executive fraud and gives reasons why executives commit fraud. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes examples of high-profile cases of managerial or executive fraud.

Learning Objective 5.5: Describe the impact on stakeholders and organizations of unethical accounting practices. Description of the impact on stakeholders and organizations from unethical accounting practices is missing. Description does not accurately list the impacts on stakeholders and organizations from unethical accounting practices. Description accurately lists the impacts on stakeholders and organizations from unethical accounting practices. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes examples of unethical accounting practices from high-profile cases and the impacts these practices have had on the stakeholders and the organization.


Project Performance Measurement Paper

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