Practicum Project power point Presentation

Practicum Project power point Presentation

Practicum Project power point Presentation

you will post a final PowerPoint presentation conveying the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of your Practicum Project. It is essential that you begin developing your presentation as soon as possible. This will also serve as your Portfolio Assignment for this course.


To prepare:
  • Review the Practicum Project Presentation Overview, provided in this week’s Learning Resources, for details about this assignment.
  • Preview the instructions in the Week 10 Discussion. Note that the draft of your PowerPoint presentation posted in the online forum should be complete and polished, i.e., it should be your final draft. While you will have an opportunity to make revisions based on your colleagues’ feedback, the document you share should reflect your best effort to create a thoughtful, clear, and engaging presentation.
  • Begin working on this assignment as soon as possible.

© 2013 Laureate Education, Inc. 1
NURS 6600: Capstone Synthesis Practicum
Practicum Project Presentation Overview
PowerPoint Presentation Notes
Your PowerPoint presentation should exhibit a professional appearance that reflects
thoughtful, thorough preparation. Consider the audience’s needs, and use your
creativity to design an engaging presentation. Your audience is your classmates and
Instructor. This presentation also serves as your Portfolio Assignment for this course.
The use of PowerPoint as a presentation method allows you to create a narrative to
convey essential aspects of your Practicum Project. As you develop your presentation,
structure the information to provide a logical flow from the beginning (introduction) to the
middle to the end (conclusion).
Determine a title for each slide. As you create each slide, include the slide title at the top
to help orient the audience, and make sure the slide text is concise and easy to read.
While you may wish to include a few photos or graphics, be mindful that including too
many of these items can be distracting and may result in problems with file size and
The evaluation of your presentation will address not just the appropriateness and
inclusion of all required content, but also the extent to which the slides are neat,
organized, and visually appealing.
PowerPoint Presentation Instructions
• Develop a 10- to 25-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:
o A cover slide with the following:
-Title of your Practicum Project
-Walden University
-Course number
-Your name
(Do not include the names of your practicum Faculty Member or Preceptor)
o A summary of the Practicum Project topic, goal, objectives, and rationale
o A summary of the Practicum Project methodology
o A summary of the Practicum Project findings
o Conclusions and recommendations that incorporate an evaluation of the
Practicum Project findings in terms of utility and potential for impact within your
professional specialty and your practicum organization’s environment
o Examples of scholarly product(s) developed for the Practicum Project, if © 2013 Laureate Education, Inc. 2
applicable (you may use screen shots or scans to incorporate these items into
your presentation)
o A summary slide that properly synthesizes and concludes the presentation
o A list of references (including a minimum of five scholarly resources), properly
formatted using APA style
 In addition, you must do the following:
o Write detailed speaker notes for each slide to complement the slide content.
Speaker notes should be clear, in-depth, and function as augmentation of the
slide material. Note: These notes should be written with sufficient depth to
allow someone else to deliver the presentation.
Make sure the PowerPoint presentation reflects graduate-level writing and presentation
standards, with professional-looking graphics and appropriate type style

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