Patient Satisfaction Improvement Articles Worksheet

Patient Satisfaction Improvement Articles Worksheet

Patient Satisfaction Improvement Articles Worksheet

just find 5 articles based on my PICOT paper and fill the attached table template

I need help filling in a matrix template for my PICOT question. It is a critical appraisal of the evidence/articles I have selected.

Here is my PICOT. My teacher recommended “Consider the following format with your population first….. In hospitalize patients does utilizing bedside reports compared to nurse to nurse report away from the bedside effect patient safety (you may want to narrow to a specific safety issue …such falls or medications errors, etc.) in a three-month period.”





PICOT: In hospitalized patients, what is the effect of patient safety/outcomes when utilizing bedside report when compared to nurse to nurse report away from the bedside, in a three-month period?

Problem: Important information not being communicated to the oncoming nurse, hindering patient care while negatively effecting patient safety and satisfaction.

Prevalence: The Joint Commission states that, “ineffective hand-off communications are a primary contributing factor in adverse events” (Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare, 2020).

Significance: Research has shown that provider handoff is the cause for almost 80% of serious medical errors (Manges & Groves, 2019).




Joint Commission Center for Transforming Health Care. (2020). Hand off Communications. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from

Manges, K. A. & Groves, P. S. (2019). Exploring the Hidden Functions of Nursing Bedside Shift Report. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 34(3), 256–262. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000357.

Scheidenhelm, S. & Reitz, O. E. (2017). Hardwiring Bedside Shift Report. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(3), 147–153. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000457.




Competent Proficient
Matrix – Author
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3 (8.57142%)

Major errors or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Authors and year of publication included for each article. Organized alphabetically.

Matrix – Study
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3 (8.57142%)

Major errors noted or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Purpose of the studies correctly identified and listed.

Matrix – Methods Column Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3 (8.57142%)

Major errors or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Information for all studies included. Methods accurately reflect what is in article. Correctly identified as experimental, quasi-experimental, or nonexperimental. Additional information included as appropriate (RCT, pre-post test, intervention used, etc.)

Matrix – Sample/Setting Column Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3 (8.57142%)

Major errors noted or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Sample and setting of each study correctly identified. Numerical value included for sample size (n=X)

Matrix – Findings column Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0 (0.00%)

Major errors noted or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted.

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Findings section correctly identifies findings from each study that answer the PICOT question. All findings (whether positive or negative) are included. Statistical data is included where applicable.

Matrix – Other Pertinent Findings Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3 (8.57142%)

Major errors noted or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Other pertinent findings included as necessary. Findings elaborate on the importance of the intervention.

Matrix – Limitations Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 3 (8.57142%)

Major errors noted or multiple elements not included.

Points Range:4 (11.42857%) – 4 (11.42857%)

Minor errors noted.

Points Range:5 (14.28571%) – 5 (14.28571%)

Limitations of studies accurately listed.


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