Organizations and HR in Todays Business Environment

 Organizations and HR in Todays Business Environment

Organizations and HR in Todays Business Environment

Understanding the “big picture” of the corporate or organizational world is fundamental to becoming an effective strategic HR partner, Organizations have always had a well-defined process for strategic planning and decision making, but for decades it rarely involved HR, which was typically relegated to support functions such as hiring, firing, training, compensation (payroll, benefits), teams, morale, conflict management, etc. . Today, in the complex world requiring acute organizational flexibility to accommodate almost overnight changes like acquisitions and mergers – or liquidations – and new markets and competition, the CEO and Chief Executive’s team (the Corporate Suite, or, C-Suite) need the knowledge and insight of HR in capitalizing on its greatest asset, its human capital and its organizational knowledge. It is well established that the organizations that manage its knowledge like a tangible asset, have an edge in an ever evolving and highly competitive world. With this in mind and using the assigned readings for this week, identify an organization with which you are familiar, and:



  • Briefly describe the organization
  • Based on what you know of HR functions, describe how HR appears to function within that organization and how it evolved, (i.e., briefly relate the history)
  • Describe how HR appears to effectively/ineffectively leverage the organization’s intangible assets, e.g., knowledge, to the organization’s benefit, providing at least two specific example(s).
  • Assess where they are and where they need to be in light of HR’s changing role as a strategic partner.
  • APA format.

Be sure to cite examples from this week’s readings and others you find in the Library to support your claims in APA format.

Course Text

  • Ulrich, D, et al. (2013). HR transformation: Building human resources from the outside in. (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Chapter 1, “Introduction to HR Transformation” (pp. 3– Chapter 1 discusses the rationale for human resources transformation and why this is an important topic for human resource professionals.
    • Chapter 2, “Why Do the Transformation?” (pp. 15–30)

      Chapter 2 delves into why the transformation is necessary and who needs to be involved in order to be successful.

  • Walden University. (n.d.). Walden e-Guide. Retrieved from…
    • Walden University. (n.d.). Academic & Community Support Resources. Retrieved from

      This section of the e-Guide provides useful information about academic resources and other support resources. Focus on the Success Strategies sub-section for valuable guidance on such things as time management to help you maximize your online learning experience. Also focus on the DiscussionsGrading, and Scholarly Writing sub-sections to learn more about completing your coursework, following course requirements, and writing for the online environment. Explore any other sections that you think will be useful.
    • Walden University. (n.d.). Help with technology. Retrieved from

      This section of the e-Guide provides useful information about the technical aspects of your online learning environment. Review the sub-sections to learn more about the classroom environment, online learning, technical support resources, and technical requirements.


  • Knapp, D. (2004). If you’re in HR, you’re likely in HR transformation. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 58(9), 9-14. Retrieved from

    There is more focus on the link between human capital factors and business outcomes. This article focuses on how the HR function is responding to the challenges of increasing the value of HR to their organization.

  • Mark, A. Y., & Scott, A. S. (2004). Human resource configurations, intellectual capital, and organizational performance. Journal of Managerial Issues, 16(3), 337-360. Retrieved from

    This study introduces intellectual capital into strategic human resource management in an effort to start to fill in the “black box” between human resource HR activities and organizational performance.
  • Edward E Lawler, I.,II, & John, W. B. (2009). What makes HR a strategic partner? People and Strategy, 32(1), 14-22. Retrieved from

    This article addresses what makes HR a strategic partner and what it entails, which is critical to the future of HR functions in organizations, typing human capital to organizational success in business strategy.

  • Chaneski, W. S. (2009). The stages teams go through. Modern Machine Shop82(3), 34–36. Retrieved from:…

    This article looks at the model by Bruce Tuckman entitled “Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing,” which describes the stages that teams go through in order to achieve success during organizational change. The author uses progress made by a lean manufacturing organization as an example.

  • Nunamaker Jr., J. F., Reinig, B. A., & Briggs, R. O. (2009). Principles for effective virtual teamwork. Click for more options Communications of the ACM52(4), 113–117.

    Principles for effective virtual teamwork. Communications of the Acm, 52, 4 by Nunamaker Jr. J.F.; Reinig B.A.; Briggs R.O. Copyright 2009 by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). Used by permission of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) via the Copyright Clearance Center. The article explores virtual teamwork, defining this idea as a group of individuals who do not share the same time, space or organizational boundaries but are connected by a common form of technology. The authors look at how to best establish both virtual and face-to-face teams and the challenge in forming cohesive relationships and goals.

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