Open Ended Question Job Satisfaction Survey

Open Ended Question Job Satisfaction Survey

Open Ended Question Job Satisfaction Survey

Respond to at least two of olleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

Suggest an alternative measurement approach including rationale as to why it would better address the problem.

  • Ask a probing question about a colleague’s instrument choice and/or item selection and provide the foundation, or rationale, for the question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s choice of instrument to measure job satisfaction by offering a new perspective or insight supported by the Learning Resources.
  • Agree with a colleague and offer additional (new) supporting information for consideration related to their choice of instrument and/or item selection.
  • Disagree with a colleague by respectfully discussing and supporting a different perspective on the use of an instrument and/or item selection or a different instrument altogether.
  • APA 7th edition




Chen, X., Ran, L., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Yao, H., Zhu, S., & Tan, X. (2019). Moderating role of job satisfaction on turnover intention and burnout among workers in primary care institutions: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1–10.


Lepold, A., Tanzer, N., Bregenzer, A., & Jiménez, P. (2018). The efficient measurement of job satisfaction: Facet-items versus facet scales. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7), 1–19.

Classmate 1: (Michelle)

Measuring Job Satisfaction

The employees at Walden Sports are experiencing high turnover intention rates and are in need of consulting. The purpose will be to help Mr. Jones understand the dissatisfaction among Walden Sports employees. Understanding and correlating job satisfaction and burnout, as a mediating variable, can assist in alleviating the turnover intention crises (Chen, Ran, et al., 2019). The Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) is an established questionnaire instrument used to evaluate job satisfaction, as well as the overall satisfaction (Statistics, 2020). This instrument assesses nine dimensions of involving job satisfaction.  These sub-scales consist of 36 items (or four items per nine).  The choice of each item includes a five-point Likert-type scale from “strongly dissatisfied” (1) to “strongly satisfied” (5) (Dhamija, Gupta, Bag, 2019).  The results will be explained to Mr. Jones at Walden Sport through the quality of work life constructs, as a diagnostic survey. Like the JSS, the measure of Quality of Work Life Scale consists of a five-point Likert-type scale from “strongly agree” (1) to “strongly disagree” (5) (Dhamija, Gupta, Bag, 2019).  The Quality of Work Life Scale explains the physiological, environmental, and psychological circumstances of the employees overall satisfaction in all aspects of their workplace and overall well-being (Dhamija, Gupta, Bag, 2019).

The Psychometric Properties and Presentation

The Job Satisfaction Survey has a reliability value of 0.895 and the Quality of Work Life Scale has a reliability value of 0.902.  These established instruments can show an association of the different factors in the workplace through a regression model summary.  Dhamija, Gupta, Bag (2019), specify that “the value of variance inflation factor (VIF), which must not exceed 10, and tolerance value (TV), which should be closer to 0, have been calculated for the quality of work life and its dimensions” (p. 876) to determine job satisfaction.  The construct validity and internal consistency is good and shows to be a reliable and valid measure for assessing job satisfaction.  The instruments will be presented to Mr. Jones explaining that these well-established instruments have been continually examined for reliability and validity. The employees will be asked to fully complete each question. Once completed, the results will be shared with Mr. Jones.  Based on the results of employee responses, options and solutions to the issues will be suggested in order to eliminate future issues.



Classmate 2: (Bianca)

Instrument for Job Selection and Importance

The Job Satisfaction Questionnaire by Spector (1997) will be used to assess the level of job satisfaction at Walden Sports. The questionnaire consists of 36 Likert scale items that measure 9 different subscales, which include compensation, benefits, recognition, promotion, communication, working conditions, job nature, leadership, and co-workers (Mosadegh Rad & Yarmohammadian, 2006). The Likert scale ranged from 1 = strongly disagree to 6 = strongly agree. The second part of the questionnaire surrounded job motivators. Walden Sports employees will rate the motivators: compensation, job security, ideal working conditions, involvement, recognition, promotion, interesting work, loyalty to employees, ideal discipline, and assistance with personal issues (Mosadegh Rad & Yarmohammadian, 2006). Mr. Jones will be asked to rate the motivators once in line with his interest and a second time in line with the employees’ interest to learn new knowledge about the employee’s perception of ideal motivators (Mosadegh Rad & Yarmohammadian, 2006). An example item from the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire that might be used in a diagnostic survey includes, “my supervisor shows too little interest in the feelings of subordinates”. Insight on how employees perceive leadership regarding personal feelings may shed light on job satisfaction issues within Walden Sports.


Psychometric Properties and Presentation

Previous research has investigated the reliability and validity of this instrument. The 9 subscales scored moderately well between one another, a score of 0.60 for employees and total scale is 0.91 (Statistics Solutions, n.d.). Additionally, a correlation of 0.61 for employees and 0.80 for leadership was calculated (Statistics Solutions, n.d.). Stage one of the consulting cycle consists of client start up. Schmidt (2017) claims the consultant identifies the issues for the client and discusses expectations of the consultation process. Therefore, instrument selection is a critical part of the first consulting cycle stage because the consultant must communicate the method in which they plan to go about collecting data and interpreting findings. Since the client is unaware of the various questionnaires, the consultant must communicate with simple verbiage and examples of questions that will be used. A quick presentation will help since many individuals are more visual learners.



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