Nursing Risk Assessment 2
Nursing Risk Assessment 2
Approaches to prevention, control, and obstacles that low-income and middle-income countries are having a management plan such as risk assessment, case findings, patient evaluation, and risk mitigation (Caeiro & Garzon, 2018). Understanding and investigating the outbreaks will allow for the creation of more knowledge among the population and health professionals. Outbreaks are happening in low and middle incomes countries due to the lack of labs, infrastructure, and trained epidemiologists (Oppenheim & Yamey, 2022). The impact of globalization is today’s advanced economics of industrial technologies emerging. Rising incomes in the world have increased the demand for African commodities and natural resources. Overall, globalization has enabled Africa to improve its living by using new technologies.
The three pieces of advice that I would give the Minister of Health in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa when it comes to the integration of health care and the public is better medical education, increased research and development center, and improving the doctor-patient ratio. Better medical education will help provide the understanding and open educational opportunities for student who wants to work in healthcare. Increasing research and development centers will help Africa will funds and resources, which will help the healthcare professional understand outbreaks and vaccines. Lastly, improving the doctor and patient ratio will help with crises of medical attention happening in the African population.