Nursing Profession PRICE Model Applications Worksheet

Nursing Profession PRICE Model Applications Worksheet

Nursing Profession PRICE Model Applications Worksheet


You are to select and interview a professional in your designated or related career field (faculty in your program of study may be a good place to start). Please note: My program of study is Nursing

You are to complete the interview in person or by phone. At the beginning of the interview, you will explain the P.R.I.C.E. elements to the interviewee and then ask these questions:



The P.R.I.C.E. elements of Success

• Professionalism

• Respect

• Integrity

• Caring

• Engagement

Questions to ask

  • Have you seen the impact of applying these elements in your career?
  • Which element(s) is/are the most important in your career field?
  • In what situations are these elements the most challenging to utilize?
  • Would you add or subtract from this list of elements if you could?
  • Do you feel these elements are applicable for careers in this field in the future?

While you have been given the questions for the interviewee to answer, you still need to take some time to be prepared in advance of the interview. Be sure to either take notes during the interview or ask permission and tape responses so you can remember what was said while completing the Unit 1 worksheet.


Attached is a copy of Unit 1 worksheet to be completed please.







Unit 1 P.R.I.C.E. Model Application Worksheet

Instructions: Use the information collected during the interview to complete this worksheet. Provide a two-sentence summary of what you learned from the professional based upon their responses offered to each of the questions listed.

  • Have you seen the impact of applying these elements in your career?
  • Which element(s) is/are the most important in your career field?
  • In what situations are these elements the most challenging to utilize?
  • Would you add or subtract from this list of elements if you could?
  • Do you feel these elements are applicable for careers in this field in the future?

In 5 sentences reflect on the entire interview and describe what you learned and how you can apply it in your chosen career field.

The connection between P.R.I.C.E.and soft skills is explored.

  • What soft skills were demonstrated by the professional in the interview?
  • How do the interviewee responses about P.R.I.C.E. elements (important to the career field) relate to the soft skills demonstrated?


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