Nursing Process and Mental Health Discussion

Nursing Process and Mental Health Discussion

Nursing Process and Mental Health Discussion

Please fill out the nursing process sheet; Please use the narrator’s talk of his symptoms to answer the process sheet questions. I understand you are not going to have all the information in the clip to answer all of the questions. Where the question is not applicable, please indicate N/A; where you’re unable to assess (substance use, maybe medications, pt’s mood) please indicate UTA (unable to assess). Typed submissions only. You should have at least 1-2 nursing dxs (can be at-risk or actual). Anticipate you’re the nurse assessing/caring for this pt. You do not have to do the D-A-R portion. Thank you!



Student Name:                                                                                                                  ___________ Date:                          


Client History:

Name (initials only):______ Age: _____ Gender: _____ Unit: _____ Date of Admission: _________________


Current Legal Status (Vol., 5150, 5250, Conservatorship, T-Con):


5150 Advisement (quote):




Psychiatric Diagnosis:




Medical and (or) physical problems:




Psychosocial and Environmental Problems:

(problems with primary support group, education, occupational, housing, economic, access to health care)



Presenting Problem


Reason for hospitalization (Client’s own words):



Current stressors:



Mental Status Examination

Appearance (e.g. showered & groomed, wearing clean clothes, bizarre, inappropriate, disheveled, heavy makeup):



Behavior & Motor Activity (Calm, hyperactive, bizarre gestures, mannerisms, tics, tremors, psychomotor retardation, restlessness, repetitive behavior, other):




Attitude (cooperative, uncooperative, friendly, hostile, guarded, suspicious, belligerent):




Affect (blunted, flat, guarded, labile, expansive, sad, or other):




Mood (euthymic, angry, anxious, expansive, euphoric, irritable, apathetic, sad, or other):




Speech (normal rate, rhythm & tone, slowed, prolonged, speech latency, soft, loud, spontaneous, slurred, pressured, or other):




Thought Content:

Suicide Ideation (plan and/or intent):


Homicidal Ideation (plan and/or intent):


Hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile):


Delusions (bizarre, jealous, somatic, persecutory, paranoid, control, grandiose, religious, erotomania):  ­­



Perception (ideas of reference, ideas of influence, thought insertion, thought withdrawal, thought broadcasting, depersonalization, phobias, illusions, other):



Thought Process (logical, coherent, goal directed, illogical, circumstantial, tangential, flight of ideas, loose association, preservation, rumination, confabulations, confusion, other):



Cognition (orientation, memory recall, concentration, attention span):



Insight:                                                                                  Judgment:



Coordination/gait/notable movement:



Cultural issues, familial concerns and religious affiliation that may affect his/her care:



Support System:



Current Physical Health:

Vital Signs – T:               P:                   R:                 BP:               /                Pulse Oximeter reading:



Pain (Numeric 1-10):                          Location:                                       Character:



How would you describe your health:     Excellent            Average                    Good                              Poor


Nutritional Status:

Diet:                                  Feeding supplement:                                      Swallowing / Chewing difficulty:



Elimination Pattern:



Activity-Exercise-Sleep-Rest Pattern:



Group Attendance and Level of Participation:


Substance Abuse:

Substance Amount / Frequency Duration Last Used


Withdrawal symptoms:

Other Addictions (gambling, sex, internet, shopping, internet, etc.):



Discharge Plans:



Potential Nursing Diagnosis (Risk / Actual):







Planning (patient goals):





Nursing Interventions (include patient education):





Evaluation (patient response to interventions and teachings):





(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction


Purpose / Rationale for the Patient





(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction


Purpose / Rationale for the Patient  



(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction


Purpose / Rationale for the Patient





(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction

Purpose / Rationale for the Patient  





Laboratory Report:




Hour Focus / Nursing Diagnosis                      D – Data          A – Action         R – Response



  West Coast 



Patient Care Notes

Patient Identification


Student Daily Journal

Personal goals for the day:







Experience and activities of the day:








Thoughts about your experience today: (How did you meet your goal?)







Your feelings about today: (How can you utilize your experience in the future?)