Nursing Hand Washing Project Outcome Essay

Nursing Hand Washing Project Outcome Essay

Nursing Hand Washing Project Outcome Essay

Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and how it has changed since you first envisioned it. What led to your current perspective and direction?




Capstone Change Project Outcomes


Angie Garza


NRS 493

Dr. Amy Foss

July 4, 2021


Capstone Change Project Outcomes


Hand care –related health problems affect many families in both rural and urban settings. Many households are facing a momentous health challenge that continue to torment their basic and daily life interactions. For the past fifteen months, the entire world has been dragged into a new norm that is inherently related and connected with hand hygiene care and practices. COVID-19 is a contemporary health threat that has come to relive the general principles of hand hygiene care and practices. In this paper, a change project topic on hand hygiene that is drawn by a strong PICOT analysis realm of evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patient care, health care organization, and nursing care practice.

Evidence-Based Solution

Hand hygiene project is a wonderful evidence-based practice that helps transform the general basic healthcare practices within the society.  At a time when the world is facing an unprecedented enemy in COVID-19, the target population would be a significant number of households. For instance, fifty households with an average of 2 kids who form the most sensitive segment of any population general hand –washing care and hygiene. A similar population proportion was established to determine a comparative outcome of the entire project experiment.

Nursing Intervention

The above evidence-based practice is a perfect example and enabler of health care providers in their research and health care development projects. Data-backed solutions are essentially helpful in improving integral basic care studies and clinical expertise. Hand hygiene and the general evidence-based practice (EBM) incorporates general public and patients’ care, the expertise form caregivers and the external evidence towards creating a sustainably appropriate clinical decision. The medical practitioner and caregivers should understand the entire data structures with the intention to evaluate the relevant sources and choose certain preferences to work with.

Patient Care

The hand-washing project was done to as a fundamental nursing intervention to fight hand-washing related infections with the key purpose of analyzing the impacts of improper interventions especially for the vulnerable generation of children and the elderly. All members of the family unit were encouraged and supported to develop an improved responsibility towards utilizing the hand hygiene practices (Hernandez, King & Stewart, 2019). Hand washing with the help of antiseptic care products was the underlying process with the intention of fighting infections. Done for a period of 30 days, the target population was tested and the results analyzed for further clinical and basic care interventions.

Basic Care Services

Urgencies for basic and healthcare services should play a lead role in helping families maintain the quality thresholds of hand washing hygiene. The prevention protocols of diseases such COVID-19 and cholera are directly associated and informed by the quality hand hygiene programs established. The future of any fight against a certain disease depends on the general public preparedness and this project offers exactly that.

Nursing Practices

The entire results of the hand hygiene project revealed that fewer infections in the alternative population than the target population. Proper hygiene is a vital element of keeping quality health practices. Our homesteads should be the foundation of basic healthcare practices and the use of hand-washing antiseptics should dominate any discussion (Damilare, 2020). Indulging the entire population right from the minors to the elderly is the only approach towards successful mitigation of the threats and infections associated with poor hand hygiene in many households. Removal of germs and general dirt within the human hand is the beginning of a quality health culture and it offers an environment of sustainable general body care. The human hand is the starting point of many contacts between the body and the outside world. Hence the project will offer solutions that go beyond the hand hygiene projections.




















Damilare, O. K. (2020). Hand Washing: An Essential Infection Control Practice. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13(1), 776-780.

Hernandez, M., King, A., & Stewart, L. . (2019). Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) prevention and nurses’ checklist documentation of their indwelling catheter management practices. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 35(1), 29.


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