NURSFPX6214 Assessment 4 

NURSFPX6214 Assessment 4

NURSFPX6214 Assessment 4

Staff Training Session





Purpose of Telehealth App

  • Easy access to telehealth services
  • Improve patient health and well being
  • Integrate technology for optimal health care delivery
  • Improve patient-provider experience (Castaneda et , 2020).

Use of Telehealth App

  • Teleconsultation
  • Tele medicine
  • Tele appointments
  • Automatic reminders
  • Easy referrals (Doraiswami et , 2020).

Risk of Telehealth App

  • Concerns of data theft
  • Risks to patient identity
  • Unclear terms and conditions
  • Technological failure (Gomes et , 2021).

Benefits of Telehealth App

  • Interface that is easy to use
  • Supported on multiple devises and platforms
  • Strong security and privacy protocols
  • Easy access to the App (Kuo et , 2021).

Successful deployment

  • Needs assessment of end- users of the App
  • Identification of App needs
  • Developing UI and backend
  • Testing the App
  • Feedback collection
  • Adjustments (Green et , 2020).

Appropriate training for providers

  • eLearning
  • Simulation
  • Seminars
  • Workshops (Chike-Harris et , 2021).

Appropriate training patient and patient family

  • Patient:
  • -Provider led training
  • -Health educator led training
  • Patient family:
  • -Hand outs
  • -Family interaction sessions (Chike-Harris et , 2021).

Safeguards for privacy

  • Enhanced security thorough
  • -OTP Login
  • -Biometric authentication
  • -Cloud based storage
  • Usage of simple language and check boxes for best understanding
  • Advanced encryption and password protection
  • Access to data use only need to know basis (Bassan, 2020).

Safeguards for confidentiality

  • Protecting personal information
  • Easy to understand privacy settings
  • Avoiding use of trackers and cookies
  • Passwords are secure and complex (Mahtta et , 2021).

Effectiveness of TeleHealth App

  • Ensuring client centric delivery of care
  • Supporting evidence based practice
  • Improving quality of care
  • Ensuring privacy, safety and confidentiality (Mahtta et , 2021).

Training support to nursing staff

  • Mentorship programs
  • Handouts
  • Addressing feedback and queries
  • Certification program (Honey & Wright, 2018).

Technical support to nursing staff

  • Trouble shooting assistance
  • Technical skills development
  • Demonstration (Honey & Wright, 2018).


  • Frequent training
  • Client based designing of service delivery
  • Thorough assessment of patient-provider needs
  • Technical assistance (Green et , 2020).


  • Purpose and use of Telehealth technology
  • Risks and benefits of Telehealth App
  • Needs for successful deployment
  • Confidentiality and privacy safeguards
  • Assessing the Telehealth App
  • Ongoing training and technical support for staff

NURSFPX6214 Assessment 4 References

Bassan, S. (2020). Data privacy considerations for telehealth consumers amid COVID-19. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 7(1), lsaa075.

Castaneda, P., & Ellimoottil, C. (2020). Current use of telehealth in urology: a review. World journal of urology, 38(10), 2377-2384.

Chike-Harris, K. E., Durham, C., Logan, A., Smith, G., & DuBose-Morris, R. (2021). Integration of telehealth education into the health care provider curriculum: a review. Telemedicine and e-Health, 27(2), 137-149.

Doraiswamy, S., Abraham, A., Mamtani, R., & Cheema, S. (2020). Use of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic: scoping review. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(12), e24087. 10.2196/24087

Gomes, K. M., Adams, K. T., Booker, E., & Ratwani, R. M. (2021, September). Patient Safety Risks during On-Demand Telehealth Referrals and Implications for Human Factors Research. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 500-504). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Green, B. N., Pence, T. V., Kwan, L., & Rokicki-Parashar, J. (2020). Rapid deployment of chiropractic telehealth at 2 worksite health centers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: observations from the field. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 43(5), 404-e1.

Honey, M., & Wright, J. (2018). Nurses developing confidence and competence in telehealth: results of a descriptive qualitative study. Contemporary nurse, 54(4-5), 472-482.

Kuo, A. C., Geleris, B., & Arnhym, A. (2021). TeleBBD: Telehealth management of bladder bowel dysfunction–A provider survey of benefits and limitations. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 17(6), 792-e1.

Mahtta, D., Daher, M., Lee, M. T., Sayani, S., Shishehbor, M., & Virani, S. S. (2021). Promise and perils of telehealth in the current era. Current cardiology reports, 23(9), 1-6.

Vila Health: NURSFPX6214 Assessment 4: Setting Up a Staff Training Session

Meeting Room at St. Anthony Medical Center


With the goal of launching a prototype telehealth program in conjunction with the Murray County Central Secondary School in the remote Slayton, Minnesota, Ana Nguyen and Tara Jennings are making excellent progress. Through the use of telehealth technology, this program will enable students to communicate with mental health counselors at St. Anthony Medical Center. Now Ana and Tara must choose an efficient training plan.


Meeting Room at St. Anthony Medical Center

St. Anthony Medical Center’s Ana Nguyen, behavioral health nurse manager

With this project, we’ve come a long way. The potential is extremely exciting, and I can’t wait for it to start. But we do require