Nurse managers the agents of change

Nurse managers the agents of change

Nurse managers the agents of change

Nurse managers are the agents of change for health care going into the future. Nurse managers are responsible for creating safe, working environments and advocating for patients, staff and the organization alike (Duquene University 2109). Nurse managers must have strong leadership and communication skills and have a responsibility for leading their staff in the rapidly changing environment of health care. Nurse leaders or managers have multiple responsibilities. The nurse leader is responsible to the staff to introduce legal and ethical change to staff when change is necessary (GCU 2013). They are responsible to the organization for budgeting, recruitment, supplies and to the patient for advocacy and education of health decisions.



As health care changes and reforms the nurse leaders must recognize the need for change in the way we provide care. Often time upper administration is either disconnected from the need for change or distracted by other priorities, at least until monthly financial come out. The nurse leader must bring to light concerns from the front line staff regarding failing processes and the need for change of those processes. The nurse manager must not only identify problems but must have suggestions for change of processes and ideas for implementing that change, along with a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the change. The nurse manager will have to balance administrative duties with patient care responsibilities. Nurse leaders will have to mentors for new nurses as the current work force ages and experienced nurses leave the field. Nurse leaders will need to mold new nurses to fit the mission and values of the organization in order to maintain engaged staff. With younger less experienced staff the nurse leader must understand the needs of this staff and not set expectations of them to point they can’t achieve, while at the same time challenging them, coaching them and mentoring them. The nurse leader is essentially the eyes and ears of upper administration and the liaison if you will to the front line staff who are doing all of the work. Health care will continue to change and re engineering of the change will be a challenge. As my facility adopted Total Patient Revenue (TPR) several years ago we have had to change the way we deliver our care to be more cost efficient.In just three short years we are once again adapting to a Total Cost of Quality (TCOC) model. Medicaid waivers may change or go away and reimbursement will become the topic for survival. The nurse leader is always on the front line of change and must be an excellent communicator to both staff and upper administration. Its my opinion that health care will continue to change as fast as technology that we use to deliver it and as fast as the political atmosphere changes as well.


Duquene University School Of Nursing. 2019. The Roles fo a Nurse Manager: Leading the nursing profession into the future. Retrieved from:…



Grand Canyon University. NRS-451VN. Lecture 5 Notes. Retrieved from: https://lc-ugrad3.gcu/learnoingPlatform/user/users…

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