NURS498L Professional Skills & Professional Knowledge

NURS498L Professional Skills & Professional Knowledge

NURS498L Professional Skills & Professional Knowledge

Knowledge Assignment: Getting Started

Using the pre-assessments as your guide, think about your level of professional confidence and competence with nursing skills and knowledge. Where are the gaps? What experiences, situations, and relationships do you believe are important to support you as you move into professional practice?



  • Categorize your thoughts into either professional skills or professional knowledge.
  • Draft one goal to meet each of your professional development needs.
  • Develop a plan for goal achievement. How will you achieve your professional development goals? With whom do you need to meet? What resources do you need?
  • Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
  • Submit as an attachment in the assignment area.
  • Once approved, add these goals and objectives as the first entries on your Clinical Log and Checklist.
  • Share your goals with your preceptor.

*This is the first of 8 weekly knowledge assignments. Is a paragraph.

The class is NURS 498L Integration of Nursing Practices


Name: Knowledge Assignment Rubric

  Highly Proficient Mostly Meeting Expectations Developing Novice Underdeveloped
Content Points:

0.8 (80.00%)

Content is clearly written, thorough, and organized effectively. The paper includes all criteria required in assignment.


0.68 (68.00%)

Content is mostly clear, thorough, and organized effectively. Some points are well supported. The paper includes all criteria required in assignment.


0.608 (60.80%)

Content is somewhat clear, but may not be thorough, or organized ineffectively. Main points may not be well supported. Includes all criteria required in assignment.


0.52 (52.00%)

Content is generally unclear, not thorough, and organized ineffectively. Main points are not well supported. The paper does not include all criteria required in assignment.



Content is disconnected and unorganized. The paper does not include any criteria required in assignment.

Clarity and Coherence Points:

0.2 (20.00%)

Sentences are well constructed throughout the paper with no oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Writing flows smoothly from one idea to another. Transitions are seamless and link the writer’s points consistently. The assignment is written without spelling or grammatical errors.


0.17 (17.00%)

Sentences are structured to communicate ideas clearly with one or two oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Writing flows from one idea to another with one or two exceptions. Transitions between paragraphs make the writer’s points easy to follow. The paper contains one to two spelling or grammatical errors.


0.152 (15.20%)

Sentence structure and the writing is not clear and may distract the reader, with three to five oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Writing flows from one idea to another with one or two exceptions. Transitions between paragraphs may not link the writer’s points. The paper contains three to four spelling or grammatical errors.


0.13 (13.00%)

Sentence structure and writing is not clear and distracts the reader with more than five oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Transitions are limited and do not link the writer’s points. The paper contains five to six spelling or grammatical errors.



The paper contains poor sentence structure, and sentences do not make sense. The paper lacks clarity. There are no transitions, which makes ideas difficult to follow or understand. The paper contains more than six spelling or grammatical errors.

Name:Knowledge Assignment Rubric


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