NURS 6521 Drug Advertisement Analysis Discussion

NURS 6521 Drug Advertisement Analysis Discussion

NURS 6521 Drug Advertisement Analysis Discussion


Find an advertisement from a professional journal or popular magazine or the frug advertisement itself on the drug advertisement.

Information for drug paper assignment



Nursing Pharmacology Drug Advertisement Paper Due



Points: 100

  1. Find an advertisement from a professional journal or popular magazine or the frug

advertisement itself (popular advertisements listed below)

  1. Length should be 2-3 pates, excluding cover sheet and references
  2. Paper should be complete using APA Format
  3. Use the rubric to help you guide the contents of the paper
    1. State the indications of the drug
    2. Describe the drug company and sales strategy for the drug
    3. Describe the target population for the drug
    4. Discuss the side effects and adverse reactions of the drug
    5. Explain the usual routes and dosages of drug
    6. Discuss necessary client education for the drug
    7. Analyze and give critical opinion of what is not being presented in the ad
    8. Correct spelling and grammar
    9. Usage of APA format


Top Advertised prescription drug brands:

  1. Cialis
  2. Eliquis
  3. Humira
  4. Xeljanz
  5. Abilify
  6. Lyrica
  7. Viagra
  8. Latuda


  1. Chantix










Drug Advertisement Analysis Grading Rubric


This paper is not a group effort. Each student must turn in his or her own paper and it must be his or her own work.




Component <25% Complete/


<50% Complete/





100% Complete/


Thorough discussion about the indications for use of the drug 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Description of the drug company display and sales strategy for the chosen drug 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Description of the target population for the chosen drug 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Thorough discussion of the side effects and adverse reactions of the chosen drug 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Explanation of the usual routes and dosage of the chosen drug 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Discussion about necessary client education about the chosen drug 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Analysis and critical opinion, include what is not being presented 0 points 1 points 3 points 4 points
APA 6th edition format throughout paper, paper 2-3 pages in length excluding the cover page and reference page, cover page and reference pages included 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points
Correct spelling and grammar 0 points 0.5 points 1.5 points 2 points



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