NURS-6221: Managing Human Resources

NURS-6221: Managing Human Resources

NURS-6221: Managing Human Resources


Healthy Relationships in the Workplace

Human beings are naturally social creatures who are affected by the relationships that they keep, whether intimate, family, friendship, or work-related. Positive workplace relationships are valuable in facilitating a productive and satisfying work environment. In addition, having positive work relationships with co-workers, leadership, and patients can be beneficial for the advancement of our careers. The purpose of this discussion is to describe leadership strategies that could be implemented to encourage healthy staff relationships, to identify the staff that could be utilized in assisting in fostering these healthy interactions, and in considering a psychology strategy that could be used to improve positivity in the workplace.



Leadership Strategies

Building positive and collaborative relationships in the workplace can be difficult for some. However, it is imperative to work towards fostering these relationships, as they have the potential to have a significant influence on success as a leader, which will ultimately affect the overall success of the organization. A leadership strategy that could be implemented to build healthy relationships among staff members in the workplace would be to advocate for shared values. Manion (2011) states that the collaboration of shared values between leadership and staff can facilitate a strong sense of purpose and cohesion, which is integral to organizational engagement. Staff members to target in promoting shared values include everyone in the workplace, although it would be beneficial to start with the individuals that have early adopter qualities. These individuals tend to be positive and influential members of the organization.

Another leadership strategy is to facilitate team building through enjoyable group activities. This leadership strategy is used as a motive for encouraging unity and a feeling of camaraderie amongst staff members (Haeseier, 2014). Staff members to target when promoting team building should include everyone. This can be accomplished during a staff meeting to break up the monotony and workplace gloom.

Psychology Strategy

The concept of positive psychology originated with Martin E. P. Siligman and describes techniques and the environments in which individuals, as well as groups, tend to thrive (Rana, 2015). A positive psychology strategy that could be employed in order to increase the proportion of positive to negative interactions would include practicing and influencing resilience amongst staff. Being resilient gives us the capability to adapt and overcome difficult situations. Resilience is essential in the health care industry, where there are constant challenges and changes associated with new technologies, patient satisfaction, and quality standards.


Haeseier, L. A. (2014). Team-building strategies. Exchange. (219). Pp. 44–46. Retrieved from

Manion, J. (2011). From management to leadership: Strategies for transforming health care (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Rana, M. (2015). Positive psychology and its importance at workplace. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology6(2), 203–206. Retrieved from

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